Charlottesville (city) is Walkable + a Thoughtful Tour of the Charlottesville Bus System

She’s taking a tour of Charlottesville via the bus lines. – In Which I am a Bus Geek (the Number 1 Bus) – Ultimate Bliss on the Number 8 Bus – Number 2 Bus – Joyriding on the Number 2 Bus – Deja vu on the Number Four bus – The Number 5 Bus: Shaken, not Stirred Charlottesville is very walkable .

…Transit is available within a ¼ mile of 95% of the population seven days a week and operates at 95% on time performance. This ensures that residents of Charlottesville have ample opportunity to access high quality transit that serves a variety of destinations.

I have been riding my bike more and more around the City and while I have no context as to how we rank, I have found it mostly easy to do.

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Eminent Domain in the Charlottesville, Take 2

I’ll be 50 before this road is built. (that’s just less than 15 years) Curiously, it’s taken nearly two years to get to this point ; Rachana Dixit reported in the Daily Progress June 15, 2009 : Charlottesville officials will attempt to exercise eminent domain to acquire the land necessary for Hillsdale Drive Extended’s first section, which is being built as a part of the new Whole Foods grocery store. The city is trying to get roughly 1.5 acres that are privately owned to start the multimillion-dollar road project, which would begin before the store’s construction. Those behind the new Whole Foods — Meadowbrook Creek, LLC is developing the property at 1801 Hydraulic Road under a 99-year ground lease that began in 1964 — agreed that the first portion of Hillsdale Drive Extended would be built as a condition of the project. But the road, designed to connect Hydraulic Road through the Seminole Square shopping center to Hillsdale Drive in Albemarle County, cannot be constructed until the land has been designated for public use.

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More Condos coming to Belmont – The Coal Tower Project

When following the links below, keep in mind two things: 1 – If you don’t own it, it’s going to change (one of the most common things I tell my buyer clients 2 – Growth and development moves interminably slowly; only journalists and lobbyists seem to be able to effectively track said progress.

… Plans call for a mixed-use project, with 64 townhouses (four above a parking structure), 118 condos, and a commercial segment that includes restaurants and retail on 2.77 acres of the site, Creasy says.

… The coal tower, a longtime landmark, is now becoming a focus of residents’ worries about connectivity, traffic and an altered skyline as it moves closer to redevelopment at the hand of Coran Capshaw.

… As an aside, cvillenews pointed out in 2006 how there was going to be a green condo construction project ,* which I noted in 2007 briefly in my Belmont neighborhood story .

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Blue Mountain Brewery is Growing

Blue Mountain Barrel House and Organic Brewery is a 10,000 square foot production-only facility for the 10 lines of Blue Mountain beer that will be kegged or bottled in 750ml corked bottles and undergo 100% natural refermentation. … The advantages of the Colleen Business Park, water quality, as well as the opportunity to expand in the same locality are the reasons that Blue Mountain chose Nelson County for the site of its production facilities. … Although the two breweries will be production-oriented and not include a restaurant area such as the Blue Mountain Brewery pub in Afton, there will be a tasting area at both facilities, as well as a beer garden patio shared by both breweries for public tours and tastings. … “The CVEC Board of Directors was enthusiastic in authorizing the sale of land to Blue Mountain Brewery because these two production and bottling operations fulfill the purpose of developing the Colleen Business Park in partnership with Nelson County and the Service Authority.”  

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Preserving Homeownership Workshop – 30 April 2011

These are difficult times for many; if you have questions, think you might be underwater, might be selling, want to see what your options are, please try and make time tomorrow from 9 to 11 to attend this workshop.

…CAAR recognizes the impacts of the economy and in addition to offering resources at this workshop, provides a Foreclosure Prevention Toolkit available on the CAAR website ( ) for those who may be facing foreclosure. … We as REALTORS are not just concerned about getting people in homes; we also want to keep them in their homes,” says Trey Durham, CAAR Public Affairs Group member and Co-Chair of the workshop planning committee. … For those who have defaulted or are in imminent danger of defaulting on their mortgage payments, information will be presented that may help preserve ownership through bankruptcy.

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