It May Not be Widespread, but Even Once is Wrong

Update 2 May 2011: Virginia Lawyers Weekly notes: Default judgment. The death penalty for a civil defendant. The ultimate sanction for bad conduct in litigation. Used only when a judge is really fed up with "egregious misconduct" or when a judge is really hot about how litigants - or lawyers - have handled themselves. A Charlottesville federal judge last month found a defendant mortgage lender...

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Bypass, Skyscrapers, Bike Lanes – What Infrastructure does Charlottesville (City) Need?

Might as well tell them . (of course, I’d wager there would be different votes should the follow up question be: now that you have expressed your wishes, would you be willing to pay for these improvements?) The poll is on the City of Charlottesville website . … Other: Real cooperation between the localities on infrastructure collaboration that is inclusive of all forms of transit – pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle – that is focused on what is good for the entire community. City of Charlottesville infrastructure survey “… in the next 5 years …” I don’t know if that’s optimistic, delusional or dishonest.

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What Does “Livability” Mean in Charlottesville/Albemarle/UVA?

What do they hope to produce that will allow people of the Central Virginia region to move from here to there more efficiently, whether on foot, bike or automobile? … These include: • A performance measurement system, • a common land-use and transportation map, • identification of specific “livability strategies,” • recommendations for changes to local regulations, and • a plan for voluntary changes by the public and organizations to improve livability in the community.

…“It’s an opportunity to get in and learn a little bit about what we have been doing in past plans that gets us where we are right now,” said Cilimberg. “Part of this is a little bit of history and how we have evolved to where we are as a community in our planning processes.”

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New App Makes Me Regret not getting a 3G iPad

Two reasons to love and be impressed by the new app : 1 – Draw – exactly that. Draw a search area, not limited by realtors’ or localities often vague, wrong or amorphous neighborhood descriptions 2 – Scout – homes for sale pop up as you drive around a neighborhood. (wish I’d gone 3G) If you are a Realtor with an iPad, download this app . If you are a consumer with an iPad, download this app .

… I’ve been using this app for a couple days now, and everyone I have shown it to has been floored by the simplicity, the brilliance, the functionality, the (actual quote) “holy s**t, this is what real estate search on a tablet should be.”

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