Real Estate (Dual) Agency in Virginia – Now Updated with a little Reason

HB1907 is law . ( this is me discussing the bill a few months ago ) From the General Assembly’s site (pdf): (boldings are mine) “Dual agent” or “dual representative” means a licensee who has a brokerage relationship with both seller and buyer, or both landlord and tenant, in the same real estate transaction

…That following the commencement of dual standard agency, the licensee will be unable to advise either party as to the terms, offers or counteroffers ; however, under the limited circumstances specified in subsection C, the licensee may have previously discussed such terms with one party prior to the commencement of dual standard agency ; 2. That the licensee cannot advise a buyer client as to the suitability of the property, its condition (other than to make any disclosures as required by law of any licensee representing a seller), and cannot advise either party as to repairs of the property to make or request; 3. … Such disclosures shall not be deemed to comply with the requirements set out in this section if (i) not signed by the client or (ii) given in a purchase agreement, lease or any other document related to a transaction Translated : 1 – The agent can’t tell you about price, terms, etc, but may have already (and probably has) advised the opposing party 2 – The agent can’t tell you anything about the property that’s useful or isn’t something you don’t already know.

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Charlottesville’s Retail Relay raises Nearly $3 Million

The online grocery retailer took in $2 million from an equity offering, while raising $959,836 from an offering of convertible notes. Retail Relay is a pretty fascinating concept that speaks to the growing locavore movement that is so prevalent in Charlottesville, as well as the busy schedules of many people. … C-Ville had a nice description recently of what Retail Relay does : The way Relay works is simple: you log on to their website, select from an extensive list of groceries (and gifts, cleaning supplies, etc.), pay with your credit card, select a pick-up location (or home delivery), then go get your necessaries in one easy trip. They even put the bags in your car (bring your own reusable totes for extra greenie points)!

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How do People Commute in Charlottesville and Albemarle?

Mostly by car .

The American Community Survey, conducted from 2005 to 2009, shows that 59 percent of Charlottesville residents drive by themselves to work, as well as 77 percent of Albemarle workers.

On a related note, I’ve been looking for updated Journey to Work data for a couple years now, but haven’t been able to locate it anywhere . The most recent datasets are from 2000 , and I have a feeling that human settlement and commuting patterns have shifted since then.

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Monday Links – 21 March 2011 – Short sales, good news, real estate radio & inconsistencies

– Good News for the Charlottesville/Albemarle economy – Two Vacant Manufacturing Plants get Tenants : CustomInk and Indoor Biotechnologies . – Podcast of last week’s radio show on Coy Barefoot’s Charlottesville – Right Now! … If you have 15 minutes, please give it a listen; I’m curious to know your thoughts. (especially about my explanation as to why the Days on Market numbers in the MLS are crap). – If you’re working with an out-of-area agent, you’re doing yourself a disservice (and the agent is opening him/herself up to liability) – If you’re thinking about buying a short sale (with Bank of America), watch this video . … What will the impact be of the Matterhorn SeaStar? – Some really quick, brief perspective on the Charlottesville MSA real estate market, in my attempt to ascertain (and educate about) where we are right now in the Charlottesville real estate market: Listed between January 1 and March 20, 2011: – 1194 in 2011 (down 11%) – 1335 in 2010 – 1437 in 2009 Put under contract between January 1 and March 20, 2011: – 499 in 2011 (down 5%) – 528 in 2010. – 405 in 2009. Closed between January 1 and March 20, 2011 : – 306 in 2011 (down 17%) – 369 in 2010 – 237 in 2009 – I heard from another Charlottesville Realtor yesterday who had met an active buyer that the reason they didn’t buy last year is because they read this blog.

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UVA Match Day 2011 – Another New Beginning

Today is Match Day – the day when 4th year medical students find out (yes, I know, some of the more specialized programs match a bit earlier, and a fair amount of people have a good idea already where they’re going) where they’re going to spend the next several years for their medical Residencies.

…”Traditionally UVA Residents comprise a fairly significant portion of the Charlottesville and Albemarle real estate market generally at least three bedrooms, two baths (usually) no more than 20 minutes to the UVA Medical Center – usually not too old as Medical Residents tend to be quite busy “What’s a Resident generally looking for ? … It is my bold prediction that , not this year, but next year – 2012 – that it will be common practice for medical schools to live video stream their Match Day ceremonies.

… – UVA Match Day 2010 – Match Day at UVA 2009 – UVA Match Day 2008 – Match Day UVA 2007 Or, from a Twitter point of view : .bbpBox{background:url( #BDCA68;padding:20px;} Happy St.

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