10 Ways to “What is the Best Neighborhood in Charlottesville?”

I have catalogued some of the Charlottesville neighborhoods over the years, and will be making an effort to rejuvenate this series in 2011.

…4 – Or “Walking distance to school” 5 – Or close to the kids (Charlottesville is good for retirees and to retire young ) 6 – Or “just far enough from mom and dad that they’re not over every day but can babysit” and they’re not right across the street . 7 – Or “Best resale value over the past twenty years” and best projected resale value over the next ten years. 8 – Or “Best new construction” quality and value 9 – Or “Best architecture” 10 – Or “it just fits perfectly what I and my family are looking for.”

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One Year Later, Taxpayers Know How Much Biscuit Run Cost

Last December Biscuit Run sold for $9.8 million , but no one knew the value of the tax credits.

… Still, with $20 million at stake, the fight is not over, and the results might not be made public. … An appeal goes to the state tax commissioner, Craig Burns, and the results of such appeals are not public. If that appeal is denied, Forest Lodge LLC could appeal the ruling to circuit court.

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Foreclosures + Systematic Breakdowns = Trouble

As noted two months ago on my posterous site – Foreclosure Fraud Reveals Structural & Legal Crisis … Sooo …. what the F do we do now? , Rob this morning discovers that Congress has been holding hearings about how broken the system of foreclosures is.

…Short story – (and this is what I tell my clients): nobody knows exactly what happened, what’s happening and what 18 months will bring. If anyone says otherwise, they’re probably lying or are trying to sell you something.

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Housing Stories to Confuse Even Those of you Really Paying Attention

That said, the key point to remember is this: Buying a fairly priced home at today’s rates may be the best deal you will ever get.

…At different times, under different conditions, all arriving at different prices, frustrating and confounding buyers and sellers.

… And THEN (I’ve been saying this for years, often in opposition to many of my colleagues in the real estate world: – From VARBuzz – Is Homeownership for Everyone?

…Buying a home isn’t for everyone, but excellent housing opportunities abound for those who plan to stay in the same geographic area for the years to come.

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