Remember the Home Buyer Tax Credit? It’s Still Good for Veterans

Thanks to : Additionally, there are new benefits for members of the military and certain other federal employees: • Members of the military and certain other federal employees serving outside the U.S. have an extra year to buy a principal residence in the U.S. and qualify for the credit. … It applies to any individual (and, if married, the individual’s spouse) who serves on qualified official extended duty service outside of the United States for at least 90 days during the period beginning after Dec. 31, 2008, and ending before May 1, 2010. … This relief applies where a home is sold or stops being the taxpayer’s principal residence after Dec. 31, 2008, in connection with government orders received by the individual (or the individual’s spouse) for qualified official extended duty service. … Qualified official extended duty is any period of extended duty while serving at a place of duty at least 50 miles away from the taxpayer’s principal residence (whether inside or outside the U.S.) or while residing under government orders in government quarters.

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Shutting Down a Successful Train?

There has to be a way … shame the success is in the hands of politicians. Beginning service Oct. 1, 2009, in its first year the train brought in close to $6.4 million in revenues, far exceeding the $2.58 million that officials expected it to garner. Courtney Ware, a spokeswoman for the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, said Amtrak estimated that the train’s annual operating costs would be roughly $5.48 million. “The train is making a profit,” Richards said.

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A Charlottesville Accidental Landlord Story

As a result, we decided to rent out our old house, which is easy to do in Charlottesville with so many people moving in and out every summer for sabbaticals at the university or one-year placements at the JAG school. … We included very specific information on our expectations for how they would maintain the house and yard while they lived there and also what we expected of them when they moved out — including patching nail holes, thoroughly cleaning the house from top to bottom, and steamcleaning the carpets because they had pets. … There were a few minor repairs needed throughout the year and each time, we decided together whether they would take care of it or we would.  If we were going to take care of the repair, we agreed on a mutually convenient time that we’d come over to handle it. … Yes, the tenants had small children, but so did we when we lived in that house and we can promise you that jam was wiped off the wall shortly after it was left there by toddler fingers.

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The Meadowcreek Parkway Might Be Completed

Councilors voted 3-2 — with Mayor Dave Norris and Councilor Holly Edwards opposed — to allowActing City Manager Maurice Jones to endorse the project’s draft memorandum of agreement, which lists the measures the city will take to lessen the negative consequences of building the two-lane road through one of Charlottesville’s largest parks. The proposed measures outlined in the memorandum are to establish two rain gardens that exclusively use native plants; have a landscape plan to integrate the city’s portion of the parkway into the setting’s existing natural features and minimize its influence on McIntire Park; install signage prohibiting truck traffic and posting a speed limit of 35 mph; complete photographic documentation of the eastern side of the park; and complete historical documentation of the McIntire Golf Course.

…I still wonder – if we were designing a transportation solution today rather than trying to implement a 40-year-plus plan , would we create the Meadowcreek Parkway?

… The relationship between the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle is akin to that of divorced parents who really kind of hate each other but are able to keep it together justenough to keep the kids fed.

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Gone Droid – A Step in the Evolution

Following up on my “What’s next in Real Estate Technology” series … I do miss my blackberry, but ... It’s been five days since I switched and while I miss the simplicity of my Blackberry – it does email and phone calls extremely well – So far I’m happy that I decided to buy the Droid Pro .

…I do a lot of mobile uploads, and the 5 meg camera, while not the 8 meg on the Droid X, is better than the 2 meg on my BB. Qik – I’m going to be testing this soon. (more on this later) Skype is a bit better on the Android, I think. … I know this – visitors to are using mobile devices* – and I’d like to encourage more. 🙂 1 – iPhone 2 – iPad 3 – Android 4 – Blackberry 5 – iPod 6 – Samsung * They’re so much more than phones.

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