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Question Everything – Especially Real Estate Reporting (Friday Chart)

All of the MLS (about 30+ counties)? – In Charlottesville/Albemarle in February 2011, 66 homes sold. – In Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, 106 homes sold. – In Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Nelson, Louisa, 133 homes sold and 172 went under contract. – In the entire MLS , (which is mostly irrelevant to my readers) 455 homes sold. For a better representation of real estate data that is relevant to real estate buyers, sellers, voyeurs, consumers in the Charlottesville MSA: Charlottesville MSA market stats - Single Family Homes - 2000- through 2011 Same information, different display: Charlottesville MSA Single Family Homes stats (I like this one as it gives a good understanding of the total volume we’re dealing with) As always, raw data is at the bottom of this post. … For the sake of accuracy, I typically discount/ignore aggregate days on market; they are so easily manipulated (such as by those entering new construction with 0 days on market to make their numbers look better, realtors gaming the mls , etc) – Even More about Days on Market – Days on Market Matter in Charlottesville – For consistency, I am excluding Louisa County. … Looking at this broad of a dataset is not useful when considering what your home may be worth. Moving Median Price - one month - Charlottesville MLS - 2011.jpg Moving Median Price - one year - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Moving Median Price - three year - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Moving Median Price - five years - Charlottesville MLS - 2011 Raw data, inclusive of inadequate short sales and foreclosures: .

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Fluvanna County’s Fiscal Pickle

Arguably, local governments have an equal and in many cases more significant impact on homeowners’ lives and property values – schools, fire and rescue, transportation infrastructure, snow removal … what happens if the tax rate rise so dramatically, and the budget becomes unmanageable? … Currently the real estate tax rate in Fluvanna County is $0.54 per $100 of assessed value ; the County is proposing a four cent increase in the tax rate in 2012 … and calling for a $1.22 per $100 rate in 2016 .

…With the pending reassessment, the audit calls for a fiscal year 2016 real estate tax rate of $1.22 per $100 to meet all expenditures and capital improvements.

…The tax options were part of a larger FY 2012 budget proposal that currently calls for a four-cent increase in the real estate tax rate, to $.58 per $100 of assessed value.

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Four Positive Signs about the Charlottesville Real Estate Market

1 – Stabilizing real estate assessments – some are legitimately up, some are legitimately down; while they are irrelevant to market value – they do affect consumer sentiment & perspective . 2 – Unemployment has declined to a two year low . ( more ) 3 – I am hearing this more and more from buyers with whom I am working: “She is in no immediate rush but she is aware that this is probably the bottom of the market so would like to capitalize on that.” … I just returned from FiberLight’s ribbon cutting ceremony at the Omni Hotel in Charlottesville, and I am very excited about what they are doing, what they plan to do and what this may mean for the Charlottesville region. More to come on how this will affect businesses, consumers and most importantly (to me at least), the Charlottesville real estate market.

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Friday Chart – Contracts in January

I’ll let you know in 18 months.     Looking at all residential properties in the Charlottesville MSA put under contract in the first 27 days of the year over the past ten years …

…Or maybe it’s just an interesting Friday Chart . 99 single family homes + 25 attached homes + 17 condos = 141 properties put under contract in the first 27 days of January.

…Housing sales are at an all-time low (nationally) … make sure to educate yourself about the Charlottesville area market as well. … You need to align yourself with an advisor who has your best interests in mind, one who takes a realistic approach, one who is not afraid to tell you to rent, one who analyzed the market consistently.

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See Charlottesville Differently Than Ever Before – Via Qwiki

Qwiki fascinates me, not only because it says “Monti- s ello”, and I’ve been playing with it for the past few weeks since it was in alpha. Now it’s open to the public and I can embed it here (finally!).

… Astonishingly, Qwiki picks up that the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle are separate entities , something that takes quite some time to realize for newcomers.

…Did you know that Albemarle has 4 square miles of water?

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