Thursday links – 10 June 2010

Distressed Properties Impact the Value of YOUR Home The Appraisal: A True Evaluation of a Home’s Worth?

Realize that only you know what the true value of the home is to you and your family. … You then picked out the ones you thought were best and visited them.

…GREAT questions for buyers to ask/learn when doing their due diligence about the Charlottesville (or any) real estate market)

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Places 29 – What’s the Future of Route 29 (North)?

Candidly, i suspect that this plan will continue to be yet another exercise is the County and county business leaders publicly demonstrating that their best interests are served by continuing the planning process while those citizens to actually drive 29 continue to lament the interminable planning and delays of the aforementioned “leaders.”

… • Monday, June 7, Open House at the Hollymead Fire Station from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm • Wednesday, June 9, Open House at the County Office Building, McIntire Road prior to the Board’s public hearing – 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

…The Master Plan includes an implementation program that groups recommendations into those that will begin during the first ten years and those that will begin during the second ten years of the 20-year implementation timeframe. … CvillePedia : The Places29 Master Plan is designed to guide and direct future development in terms of land uses, transportation projects, and other infrastructure projects in the 14.5 square miles [1] four designated growth areas that surround the US 29 corridor through northern Albemarle County.

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Twitter Week in Review

Teachers Unions, Failing Schools, Competition. What's the Solution? # The humidity today is overpowering. # @ceruns 🙂 GM didn't pay back the TARP money. People are too complacent & indifferent in reply to ceruns # On the Downtown Mall # Stop by @NestRealty for First Fridays. Awesome artist this month. (@ Nest Real Estate Group) # RT @agahran: On CNN: Obama…

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Watching the Weather in Charlottesville

But I hear these TV stations, radio stations and newspapers also have other outlets through which they distribute information. 🙂 .bbpBox{background:url( #9ae4e8;padding:20px;} A Brief Rundown Of Storm Damage And Traffic Issues Thu Jun 03 20:24:04 via API Newsradio 1070 WINA 1070WINA

.bbpBox{background:url( #1a2932;padding:20px;} Severe Thunderstorm Warning for south central Albemarle County until 5:15pm. … ~SB Thu Jun 03 20:29:49 via web WCAV-TV Weather CBS19Weather .bbpBox{background:url( #ffffff;padding:20px;} Severe T-Storm WARNING until 4:15 PM for: Albermarle, C’ville, Greene, Madison, Culpeper, Orange. … Thu Jun 03 19:42:13 via HootSuite NBC29 NBC29 .bbpBox{background:url( #dde3e4;padding:20px;} Charlottesville road hazard map: Continuously updated.

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