Foreclosures in Charlottesville Increasing – As Expected

Following up on the Charlottesville Bubble Blog’s noting that foreclosures in the Charlottesville MSA are up: As expected (I noted in 2009 that foreclosures in Charlottesville would likely increase ): What does this all mean from a market standpoint? Foreclosure activity is likely to increase, but we are nowhere near the foreclosure rates and percentages of the major foreclosure hotspots -parts of Florida, Phoenix, California – which account for a majority of national foreclosures. Foreclosure Data for Virginia (PDF) Look at mortgage conditions in Charlottesville at the New York Fed’s map . We’ll get through this.

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Weekly Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update – June 1 2010

Look back at the data from the first of the year … analysis of “where we are now” coming soon. It is too soon to pull the data on sold homes in the Charlottesville region via the Charlottesville MLS; usually it takes a few days for all the transactions to be entered.

…Briefly: 1 – If you’re a buyer, be patient and informed. … Number of single family homes put under contract in Charlottesville/Albemarle between 1 May and 31 May: Number of properties put under contract in the Charlottesville MSA between 1 May and 28 May: Real estate prices just for the City of Charlottesville, comparing median prices in the top and bottom quartiles: Real estate inventory just for the City of Charlottesville, comparing inventory levels in the top and bottom quartiles: I’m thinking the dip might have something to do with the homebuyer tax credit.

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Memorial Day.

True meaning of Memorial Day The real meaning of Memorial Day is not the start of summer and it’s not merely a three-day weekend . Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have served, fought and died for our country.

…It’s a sacred day to all war veterans: None need to be reminded of the reason that Memorial Day must be commemorated. … By honoring the nation’s war dead, we preserve their memory and thus their service and sacrifice in the memories of future generations.

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Twitter Week in Review

RT @jg_howard: Matt Simmons Tells Bloomberg Only Way To Contain Oil Leak Is With Small Nuclear Bombs, # I just became the mayor of Crozet Farmer's Market on @foursquare! # Properties Put Under Contract in May – Looking at historical Trends # Market Action for Single Family Properties in Albemarle County, VA # Market Action for Single Family Properties in Charlottesville…

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Bows and Arrows or Wolves? Which Will Dunlora Residents Choose?

An interesting dilemma in a suburban environment : With a proposal to cull deer before their community association, some Dunlora residents are hoping they’ll be able to keep bow hunters out of the bucolic neighborhood. They’re hoping that the board will table the idea or, barring that, put it to a community-wide vote. .. “We do need to limit deer because, in addition to being a problem for people by eating landscape plants and being in the roadways, deer are impacting other species, such as birds that require low-growing plants for habitat. The best way to accomplish this would be for people to learn to live among the coyotes that have moved into Virginia now that the bigger carnivores are mostly gone,” she wrote.

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