NGIC and DIA – What’s the Impact on the Charlottesville Real Estate Market?

Right Now *, There are: – 289 Homes for Sale within five miles of the NGIC/DIA facility on 29 North. – 113 have “NGIC” in the public remarks. (one of these listings is mine, and it’s GREAT .)

…But understand that obtaining a new clearance, probably higher than TS, for most of the professional jobs at NGIC will be a long process (12 to 18 months), and site security policy may not allow personnel into the building until a clearance is finally granted. In that case, two issues apply. #1, even if it takes 2-4 months and several thousand dollars to relocate, a pre-cleared person from DC or straight out of the uniformed services can come on much faster than Sara’s fresh, uncleared UVa graduate. #2, assuming that fresh, uncleared Hoo gets hired, what’s s/he going to do for the next 12-18 months while awaiting clearance?

…Quite a few people have been moving to and buying homes in the Charlottesville area due to the NGIC/DIA relocation, and I suspect there will be more as the move continues its phase-in over the next few years.

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Nothing Better than Fresh-Picked Strawberries from Crozet

There’s nothing better than a morning at the orchard with the family, picking strawberries, drinking fresh strawberry milkshakes … Seriously good strawberries from Chiles Orchard in Crozet .

… We’re lucky to have so many local orchards in the Charlottesville area ; making time to take advantage of them is the challenge. Further, now farmers in Albemarle are more free to sell their goods .

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Twitter Week in Review

Charlottesville real estate market statistics – single family homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 #

Charlottesville real estate market statistics – single family homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 #

… Charlottesville real estate market statistics – condo & attached homes – update – as of 27 April, 2010 #

… If you want to get involved with the Crozet Farmer’s Market (& we home you do!) – #

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Friday Chart – Charlottesville MSA’s New Single Family Home Listings in April 2010

April 2010 has felt like more listings have been coming on the market and more have been staying on the market than in previous years. But, feelings don’t necessarily matter so I’d rather look at the data. Looking purely at the data , a greater percentage of active listings in the Charlottesville MLS have gone under contract this year versus 2009. … Should you rush out and buy a home today because the tax credit is ending?

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My Newest Favorite Blog – Discovering Urbanism

He writes about transportation, transit, growth, growth politics, smart growth (not necessarily “smart” growth, but smart growth – as in, intelligent, thoughtful, considered growth), new urbanism, human settlement patterns … all of which contribute to my insatiable need to learn about everything relating to real estate.

… There may been no shortage of monday morning quarterbacking over the housing crash, but University of Virginia planning professor Bill Lucy sits in a unique position to offer a more comprehensive analysis of how the recession may be reshaping our communities. Having studied for over thirty years the spatial ebbs and flows of the housing market, and publishing in 2006 with colleague David Phillips Tomorrow’s Cities, Tomorrow’s Suburbs , he is prepared to fit this event into the longer view and wider frame of the contemporary situation. … We’ve already heard all of the blame being poured onto predatory lenders, credulous homebuyers, negligent oversight agencies, and maybe a corrupt politician or two, but we’re left with the feeling that there must be some deeper undercurrent to all of this.

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