Is Charlottesville the Best Live Music Town in the Country?

There is no hassle getting to shows or getting into shows or even getting up to the front of the stage at shows. … I live just outside the city limits and it takes me 10 minutes to drive to any of the venues I listed above on a show night. I have plenty of time to go home after work, play with the kids, put the youngest to bed, and then go back out in time for dinner and a show. … When I lived in DC, I saw less music because of the traffic and time involved to get to and from the venue.

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Vetting your Charlottesville Realtor – Like + Experience =

In a couple weeks, the Houston Association of Realtors will launch a Web application that allows consumers to see which Realtors within their chosen search area are transacting business – and which are not.

… The app is based on MLS data and will be available from the association’s highly-trafficked Website Every Realtor in the market is included, there is no opt-out The app is map-based, so consumers can see who has sold what, where, over different time periods The app may be made available to MLS organizations nationwide

…In the Charlottesville area, I see geography as less of a differentiator, niches are important, but making a career as a “specialist” would be nearly impossible – there’s no way one could be solely a ” Charlottesville condo specialist” – it could be a significant component of one’s business, but the market is just too spread out … but — combine the above with the announcement(s) from Facebook yesterday Heck, now you could see how many people Like the Realtor you may be considering hiring.

…(SIDE NOTE – This also drops Facebook in the middle of the local advertising game – you YELP, you update your facebook PROFILE automatically, I can then create an Ad based on the fact that you “liked” KFC -someone pinch me, I’m still in the dream with Hedi) People are going to freak out about this and it’s a shame – Facebook does not expose YOUR data specifically – only people who you’ve given permission to as a friend will actually see your profile and I can see this being fantastic way of really keeping in touch – how many of my friends liked “Hurt Locker” for example – that’s the next step of Facebooks evolution, it makes sense.

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If you Own (Or Are Thinking about Owning) a Home in Charlottesville Built Before 1978

Starting on Earth Day, April 22, contractors working on almost all homes built before 1978 must prove they have the Environmental Protection Agency’s stamp of approval to do the work — or face fines of up to $37,500 a day.

FAQ on the RRP from the EPA.GOV Take a look at some of the homes that are active on the market in the Charlottesville and Albemarle built before 1978 . (sorted by those with the most recent price reduction) It’s going to be interesting.

… From a Charlotte dBusinessNews press release : Most people are aware of the dangers that exposure to lead-based paint can pose – it effects ( sic ) children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities and behavioral problems, and it can also lead to hypertension and high blood pressure in adults, according to the U.S. … The EPA’s new Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting rule takes effect April 22, 2010, and requires that all contractors (plumbers, painters, HVAC technicians, remodelers, etc.) working in a residence or facility built before 1978 where children are present must be an EPA Certified Renovator.

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Twitter Week in Review

RT @TheFix: Why is Fox Soccer Channel not in HD? Maddening. # Rode my bike to soccer & coffee meeting; now to drive to show land then houses. Unexpectedly (& gratefully) busy today. # Going to coach soccer in a bit, then a meeting @MudhouseCrozet . # RT @dmcdermon: Any food recommendations in Charlottesville, Va.? Got an afternoon to kill tomorrow. [what do you like?]…

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Designing Places for Health and Play – 24 April 2010

I’m not sure whether society is less “safe” than it was, but the perception of society has certainly changed.

… Come find out at a public talk and workshop by landscape architect and nature-based educator Robin Moore and other staff of the Natural Learning Initiative . Designing Natural Play Spaces for Healthy Children and Planet, Saturday, April 24, 2010 will teach about approaches to better children’s health through designing natural play spaces. Moore’s public talk, Free Range Nature Play: Designing for Healthy Development of Children and Planet is scheduled for Friday, April 23, 2010.

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