Thoughts on Charlottesville’s Open House Weekend

I think they’re a waste of everybody’s time at least in this market but I held one anyway because it was National Open House Weekend and I’ll do whatever I can to try and capitalize on some kind of traffic and we had three and a half people through, well three and a half sets.

…They’re looking for the next phase of their lives and the challenge is they need to sell their house that they bought two years ago in a neighborhood that has had significant property declines so I’m not holding out much hope for them even though they were wonderful people and I would love to work with them. … The last set are folks who have been looking for five years and believe it or not there are quite a few of these folks out there who are looking at the market and think the pricing is a bit absurd and out of whack and they’re just waiting for the right opportunity. These folks are like another set of my buyers with whom I’ve been working for years and years and years, are looking for their dying house, for their last house, their last move, for the last place they’re ever going to live in.

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My Clients’ New Home in Charlottesville

Thanks to Latitude 38, this is their new home in the City of Charlottesville : I’m always astounded when builders manage to actually fix the bajillion pieces together. I’m grateful to have wonderful clients who worked with a great builder to make this happen. Located on Mulberry Avenue near Cherry Avenue, another young family is moving in today and have plans to soon add a chicken coop and vegetable garden out back. … Note that there is a stream running through the front yard, so we built a bridge to access the house from the driveway.

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Charlottesville Twitter Week in Review

Interesting stories below about the government’s inability to positively affect the real estate market, walking and biking’s importance to real estate, not paying mortgages increases consumer spending and a whole lot more. … # RT @ Smallchic : @ Marijean I think these’s a good little case study brewing for you here: # Boarding to come back home. … Says a commenter on # At the top of Diamond Head crater # Last morning in Hawaii # @ robhahn Walking away from mortgages increases consumer spending. 🙂 in reply to robhahn # RT @ mikeroose : @ JimDuncan BH&G is hardly international…. … # Being 6 hours behind east coast time is very disorienting. # @ rerockstar @laniar and, when I think of govt ratings I think of the EPA’s mileage ratings. in reply to rerockstar # @ rerockstar @laniar everytime I think of govt regulating something, I look to how well they manage themselves. & then think differently in reply to rerockstar # Black Bear in Old Trail # The Localist put together a list of – Locally roasted coffee in Virginia – well worth the flavor # Rainbow over Hawaii # Taking off.

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Updated Charlottesville Search for Homes Tool

My beloved search tool has been upgraded … as always, if you have any issues, please let me know either via contact form or in the comments. I (and Diverse Solutions, I’m sure) want this to be the best possible way to search for homes .

Added sharing ability to Twitter, Facebook, Dwellicious, Google Buzz, Email Added print / PDF to Details listing Added ability to have Community, Tract, Zip and MLS Number to Search Widget Added ability to have map auto-open on results pages Added tracking to results map being opened or close between pages Added icon for results map link Improved slideshow look & feel on details Added better full-size photos (just click on the photo in the slideshow to see full size photo) If account has dsSearchAgent Pro: Added ability to have an “advanced” link in Search Widget which leads to a new page with the dsSearchAgent frame auto generated Added ability to set the Template for dsSearchAgent page Added Bing Birds-Eye View to Details pages Added ability to set first/last name and email in wp-admin (necessary for pdf and contact form, shares values with dsSearchAgent) Numerous CSS/UI improvements

…As I noted in November, Bing is much better than Google in some cases .

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Part-Time Realtors, Disclose Thyselves!

From VARbuzz, initially quoting the Swanepoel Report –

When real estate agents take on second and third jobs and decide not to disclose that fact to their client, it raises questions concerning their level of commitment and service.

…I mean, if the pilot on my flight was a part-time freelance writer, I’d kinda want to know that he may spend some of his cockpit time on his laptop. … And Lenn hits the nail on the head in the comments – if brokers didn’t hold licenses of part-time Realtors, they’d have nowhere to go.

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