Twitter Week in Review

It seems my blackberry has passed away due to being dropped in coffee. 20 hours in rice couldn't revive it. Anyone have coupons to best buy? # A long day of blackberry-less digging & building + invaluable help from my neighbor & my raised bed garden is 95% complete. # My blackberry fell in my coffee. # Going to talk to a potential seller…

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Friday Chart – Million Dollar Charlottesville Homes

Looking at the first 77 Days of the past six years … Just in Albemarle County, these are the number of homes with asking prices over one million dollars that have gone under contract in the first 77 days: In Charlottesville and Albemarle County: All told, the “million dollar” plus category has been a relatively small segment of the Charlottesville area real estate market, and from a high-level view seems to be relatively stable. More analysis to come … See all Friday Charts

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It’s Match Day at UVA (and Everywhere Else)

Traditionally UVA Resident comprise a fairly significant portion of the Charlottesville and Albemarle real estate market – generally at least three bedrooms, two baths (usually) no more than 20 minutes to the UVA Medical Center …

… Thanks to Ken Mextorf with SunTrust Mortgage for the following post:* In response to various questions from potential buyer clients who were hoping to Match at the UVA Medical School, I asked Ken to write this for me. … For those looking to buy a new home, SunTrust mortgage Doctors Loan program provides; – Financing up to 100% of the sales price of a new home. – Loan amounts up to; – $417,000 for Residents and Interns – $1.5 million for licensed medical Physicians – Fixed and Adjustable rate mortgages – No mortgage insurance (PMI) – Special banking relationships and discounts If now is the right time for you to buy speak to your local SunTrust Mortgage specialist and learn more about the Doctors Loan program and how it can work for you. … It’s intended to answer questions, and Ken happens to have a great program that is useful for UVA Medical Residents and Doctors.

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Maybe the City Should Just say No to the Meadowcreek Parkway

Meadowcreek Parkway Staging Area in Albemarle County, along Rio Road Rather than drag this out any further , maybe the City of Charlottesville should just end the discussion and say they’re not going to support/build/move forward with their part of the Parkway. Just stand up for what you believe in and say no. (and pay VDOT back) It’s only been 43 years since they started talking about it . … Related reading: – The most comprehensive source for Meadowcreek Parkway information – Charlottesville Tomorrow – What if the Meadowcreek Parkway didn’t exist? (travel patterns and settlement patterns have changed in the past 40 years) – Heck, I’ve been writing about it since 2005 . (ignore the Daily Progress dead link) – Meadowcreek Parkway study by the Free Enterprise Forum * Photo courtesy of

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Charlottesville Real Estate Market Update – As of 15 March 2010

Just a brief update on where we are in the Charlottesville real estate market –

What does the housing inventory volume look like in Charlottesville, Earlysville and Crozet? Here is a quarter-by-quarter comparison, this quarter versus last: PDFs:

…Here’s an interesting chart – percent of homes for sale in Charlottesville, Earlysville and Crozet that have been re-listed, as in, put back on the market so as to have the days on market reset.

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