So … the Homebuyer Tax Credit Costs (way) More than $8k per House

From Calculated Risk : (bolding mine) This is no surprise and suggests that the extension and expansion of the home buyer tax credit will probably cost taxpayers over $100,000 for each additional home sold. … Buyers – are you waiting until after the tax credit expires ? Congress – will you pander some more with tax dollars and attempt to extend the tax credit for a fourth time ? Since 1 January 2010*: 373 residential properties have gone under contract in the Charlottesville MSA. 108 – 29% – are under $200k 168 – 45%- are under $250k 218 – 58% of homes that went under contract since the first of the year are under $300k. 70 – 19% – are between $300k and $400k 35 – 9% – are between $400k and $500k 40 – between $500k and $999k 12 – over $1 million * “Now” is 7 am on 5 March 2010 * I’ll turn this into an “official” Friday chart this evening.

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City Buying Land for Homeless Shelter

The enrollees got either an efficiency at the Y.M.C.A. or an apartment rented for them in a building somewhere else in the city, provided they agreed to work within the rules of the program. … An efficiency apartment in Denver averages $376 a month, or just over forty-five hundred a year, which means that you can house and care for a chronically homeless person for at most fifteen thousand dollars, or about a third of what he or she would cost on the street. The idea is that once the people in the program get stabilized they will find jobs, and start to pick up more and more of their own rent, which would bring someone’s annual cost to the program closer to six thousand dollars. … I wonder how much is being spent now in the City on services related to caring for the homeless and whether there are parallels to the Gladwell story.

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Stupid Real Estate Questions

Transcription: As I tell my customers and clients, it’s not a stupid question in that you’re in a stupid mindset, but it’s a stupid question in that there are no such things as dumb questions, just the ones you don’t ask. A lot of what I do is complicated, it’s complex and it’s very intricate in details and it seems really simple to me because I do this everyday. … So that’s my thought process for this site, stupid real estate questions is I want to answer the questions that my clients have frequently, the ones that almost every single one of them asks, I want to be able to put in one place so that they can go and find these answers because a lot of them will ask: – Should I get an attorney or a title company? – Should I get a home inspection? … And these are questions that happen every single day, so I want to help and educate and put them all in one place.

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Albemarle County Budget – 2010 – Reductions all Around?

If you’re pressed for time or attention span, start with the Budget Summary (pdf) – that’s where I found this unfortunate nugget:

…One-time funding for this program in FY 10/11 could be available and considered for reappropriation if this program does not meet its anticipated demand in FY 09/10

Find the fat, suggest changes (the first public hearing in 3 March at 6pm at the Lane Auditorium at the Albemarle County Office Building ). This is a hard year for localities’ budgets – Charlottesville , Fluvanna , Greene , statewide (and nationwide ), and Albemarle County is no different. – There is a great discussion at cvillenews , with Jeff Uphoff getting his math on in the comments . – There’s a petition to “fully fund” Albemarle County Schools . – The Daily Progress details the discussions on how to cut teachers .

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Twitter Week in Review

RT @oddapt: Peter Chang's current restaurant is in Charlottesville, VA called Taste of China. I'm thinking PILGRIMAGE! [Is he *that* good?] # Sad news – Charlottesville Ice Park Closing # RT @PhxREguy: RT @MrsPhxREguy: Happy Birthday Thompson's Realty! # Working offers on two foreclosures in Charlottesville area; both w/ same asset co. Both same bizarre clause. Story coming next week # @ceruns Without definitions…

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City Neighborhood Liaison – Needed?

The City of Charlottesville is contemplating adding a “neighborhood advocate” to liaise with City neighborhood associations . … I vote for her: “It’s a bad use of city funds and there are too many other programs and efforts that I think the city should be involved in,” said Adena Imlay, president of the Meadowbrook Hills/Rugby Neighborhood Association. Imlay said creating another layer of bureaucracy in local government to work with neighborhoods is not the answer. … I’m curious – why can’t people who want to be involved call the city and advocate for themselves ?

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Friday Chart – Charlottesville & Albemarle – February Homes Under Contract

We’ve been talking recently about what the effects the various snowpocalypses have had on the Charlottesville real estate market; people were snowed in, buyers couldn’t get out to see houses (yet another argument for high-quality photos and videos in the Charlottesville MLS), sellers couldn’t get their houses ready or activated on the market … the consensus has been that February 2010 was going to be a pretty sorry month for home sales. … This clearly does not account for canceled contracts, contracts that fall apart due to home inspections, financing or appraisal issues …

Homes – single family, attached and condos – that went under Contract in February in the Charlottesville MSA* Homes – single family, attached and condos – that went under Contract in February in Charlottesville and Albemarle – 12 condos went under contract in February. 8 were foreclosures or short sales. … For Charlottesville and Albemarle in February 2010 for far: – 2 were new construction attached – 31 were resale attached – 0 were new construction single family detached – 64 were resale single family detached – 12 were condos – 0 were new construction condos (and yes, I added the above manually and they match the spreadsheet. 🙂 ) Charlottesville MSA for these purposes includes Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene and Nelson

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