Why Use a Buyer-Broker Agreement?

I tend to use buyer broker agreements with all of my buyer clients fairly early on in our buyer client realtor relationships and this reason is this: first and foremost it lays out my fiduciary duties to my buyer clients. … I approach it as something that I will be asking for, but the first couple of meetings is sort of a time of dating of us feeling each other out and seeing if we are good matches, if we want to work with each other. Buyers and Realtors tend to spend a lot of time with each other, anywhere from six to 1,000 hours together looking for houses and home inspections and just time in the car and meeting the kids. … So pretty much if you need a page to explain the perils of why dual agency is bad, really, you might want to get rid of it altogether, but I write in all my buyer broker agreements that I will not do single agent dual agency.

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School Values and Housing Prices – Specifically in Albemarle County

In an effort to get my head around the numbers, I have prepared the attached spreadsheet which evaluates (to the best of my ability with the data available) , the impact of the different budget scenarios and what different property tax rate increases necessary to close the funding gap.

…At this point in the process, I don’t like trying to address a budget challenge by manipulating the tax rate, but I think the public deserves some factual information about the different scenarios and how that might impact their personal pocketbooks.

ɉۢ In the best case state funding scenario , a property tax rate of 81.9 cents would balance the budget and increase ANNUAL tax payments by $146.19 for the median priced home when compared to 2009.

…1 However, the strength of the consensus is puzzling, given the formidable empirical challenges facing any homeowner or empirical researcher seeking to answer the question carefully.2 First, good schools usually come bundled with other neighborhood qualities– such as proximity to employment, shopping and recreational conveniences and neighborhood peers.

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Charlottesville Twitter Week in Review

@ TessOrtega I repeat my call for canceling this week, school during Spring Break and the first 3 weeks of June. in reply to TessOrtega #

… Really, really wish I’d written an article about # RTB radio http://bit.ly/cgat0J for @ agentgenius Will do so next week.

… @ amywebb I like my idea of closing this week, canceling Spring Break and having school throughout June in reply to amywebb #

… @ ProfessionalOne Something will come of it when we have infiltrated NAR leadership. & by that time I’m concerned that “we” won’t care in reply to ProfessionalOne #

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Have you Read the Revenue Sharing Agreement?

The revenue sharing agreement between Albemarle and Charlottesville is a pointed point of consternation and disagreement and highlights the political (dysfunctional) relationship between the two Governments. … To home buyers, sellers, residents (and Residents ) – so many services are separate, but so many are and are perceived to be shared. … * Three of my favorite starting points are: – Jennifer’s Revenue Sharing Agreement – CVillePedia – Revenue Sharing Agreement debated again But have you actually read the agreement ? Inlookers, Charlottesville is surrounded by Albemarle , and to most people who don’t live in CharlAlbemarle, they are one and the same.

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Internet and Tech Companies in Charlottesville?

If you are part of an internet company, design / development firm or startup project in Charlottesville, we’d love to hear from you. The goal of First Wednesdays is to grow the internet / startup community in town by highlighting companies and hosting networking events. … The Charlottesville is consistently rated as a great place to live, and is a destination location for buyers and families and people who choose to live in Charlottesville* and work elsewhere – whether in Los Angeles, Denver, New York … and live in Charlottesville. I’m curious to learn just how many internet and tech firms there are in the Charlottesville area.

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Who Knew E*Trade Owned Homes?

Apparently E*Trade own 225 Bedford Park Road in Foxchase in Crozet (technically Charlottesville, but really Crozet). As far as I know, this is the first foreclosure in Foxchase and is an indication that foreclosures are not isolated to any particular price point. … Now it’s being offered for $167/foot (apparently the previous owners finished approximately 600 square feet as well).

… Most Recent Sales History Previous Owner (ed note: I’m choosing to leave this out; if you’re curious you can find it) Owner E*TRADE BANK Sale Date 10/23/2009 Sale Price $869,126 Deed Book/Page 3811/403 Validity of Sale (For Internal Use) Foreclosure

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