Vetting Prices, Choosing Representation | RealPodVA

The podcast continues. I think we’re going to start numbering them, as we’ve been doing these for a year. Coming soon: guests! Listen and subscribe to RealPodVA here. Topics covered Vetting prices amongst professional colleagues. It’s good to be in an environment where we can vet the data analysis with our professional instincts. Too early to have a good read on the market. Value of…

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Goodbye, Charlottesville Ice Park

The Charlottesville Ice Park/Main Street Arena was fundamentally important for many, and others, was an important “thing” that contributed to what made Downtown Charlottesville, “Downtown Charlottesville.” It was finally not raining in Charlottesville, so I was able to ride over and get a closer look at the demolition. Progress? Not progress? Change. In its place, will soon (in 2021) be the Center for Developing Entrepreneurs…

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February 2019 Note | Market, Instagram, Yoga

This could be a fun note. Hopefully, you’ll let me know. Interested? Subscribe here. So far, about 60% of subscribers open (and one assumes, reads the note). I’d be humbled if you’d read. Unsubscribe please. The Charlottesville market; it’s too soon Being Blunt (and learning diplomacy) Not for real estate folks The serial killer house Yoga What I’m Reading – this is apparently one of…

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Charlottesville & Albemarle Assessments – Another Increase in 2019

Assessments are up, again. They’ve been going up for about a decade. Read this for more context on market value & assessments. Real estate assessments do not necessarily equate market value Increasing assessments are financially painful for a lot of people. Great discussion thread at Reddit about this. Also, Charlottesville Slack had a decent conversation. Questions? Ask.     How to challenge your real estate…

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