you searched for cracks pushes traffic to Google

That said, we firmly believe that the value rendered by® Marketing Systems are monumentally greater than the price charged to REALTORS®.Just as® carefully evaluates a number of factors before arriving at the aforementioned business decision to raise prices, so too do we encourage each individual REALTOR® to carefully evaluate the value you receive on behalf of you and your clients in relationship to the costs, before you make your individual business decision….  In order to carefully contemplate® value, we are providing a minimum of two months to a maximum of twelve months advance notice of the price change (depending upon the REALTOR’S® product renewal date), because we believe this should be a carefully thought out evaluation….  Google is fast becoming a “no-brainer,” but one must “carefully consider” using of the price increase: Beginning January 15, 2007, prices for the Showcase Listing Enhancements Marketing System, Standard Listing Enhancements, Featured Homes™ Marketing System and Featured CMA™ Marketing System will increase by 10% and the Featured Community™ and Featured Agent™ Marketing System will increase by 7%….  And again, on behalf of everyone here at®, we thank you for the privilege of serving you and helping you better serve your clients.Sincerely,Mark MathisSenior Vice President,®’s cushy arrangement with getting all (or most) of Realtors’ listing data is swiftly coming to an end.

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