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New Charlottesville MLS Market Reports

Our MLS, Solid Earth, has just released some new statistical reports. They’re pretty darn great. Unfortunately, they are for the entire MLS – not just Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Lousia and Nelson. As far as I can tell – this is the Moving Median Price for the past five years for the entire MLS … which incorporates way more than just the Charlottesville MSA. Charlottesville MLS Moving Median Prices for past 5 years And this is the the Moving Average for the past five years: Charlottesville MLS Moving Average Prices for past 5 years

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Charlottesville Real Estate Market – Inventory Update 2010

Not much has changed since I wrote in August of 2009 that regarding the Charlottesville real estate market, We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know . … What new construction in Charlottesville is going to do in 2010. (how many building permits, how many builders, what Ryan Homes are going to do – read: continue their dominance) What the hell the government is going to do with their incessant manipulations of markets through home buyer tax credits, foreclosure moratoriums, cramdowns of loans …

Charlottesville MSA unemployment rate For an example of why national and other regions’ real estate analyses and forecasts just aren’t relevant when you’re trying to get a handle on the Charlottesville real estate market, take a look at this analysis from Ventura County, California : Some of the home buyers in Ventura County have lost the excitement of home shopping. … Cash buyers, and home buyers with 10-20% downpayment, have a strong advantage of being much more likely to have have their offers accepted.

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Transcript of Radio show – 27 December 2009

Moore : And as our initial caller seemed to be asking is: there seems to be or you would expect a much greater – the term punishment comes to mind although that’s not really what I’m trying to say – but a strategic default makes it sound like it’s all about how much money you have left in your pocket at the time rather than – where’s the punishment that goes with it for not paying it off. … When you make your money when you sell is when you buy, so you need to make sure you buy smart from day one and I do that by giving them as much data and analysis as possible so that they can come to these conclusions on their own and the second part of that is that I’ve prepped them that if they buy a house for $100,000 today that I expect it’s going to be worth a little bit less next year. … I think that there’s going to be more distressed properties coming on the market now in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area and I’m seeing that as far as the daily updates that I get as far as the number of notice of trustee sales in our market and I’m seeing more of the MLS’s coming on as foreclosures and I’m seeing more anecdotally, again there are two properties, one in Louisa and one in Albemarle last week that each had $100,000 price reductions. … What I’m hoping to see in the next couple of years is in addition to having homes and coffee shops, etc. is homes and places to work so that people won’t have to get into their cars to drive to work and I think that’s the very good thing from the perceptive of going back to the sociological change being close to your neighbors and being close to business as keeping everything local is another trend that we’re seeing develop over the past couple of years to 2010 and beyond.

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Charlottesville Real Estate Radio – WNRN 27 December

Firm Walks Away From 5 Properties Short Sales: 11 Short Sale Frequently Asked Questions Short Sale Help – HAFA Foreclosures in Charlottesville: Two properties with $100k price reductions A quick look at some of the foreclosures in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area shows that there are foreclosures ranging from $25,913 to $1,010,000 Biscuit Run may become a park: – Charlottesville Tomorrow – cvillenews – The HooK Tax Credit: Who qualifies for the homebuyer tax credit? … From NAR Tax Credit information on RealCentralVA HR 3458 – For our purposes, known as the “homebuyer tax credit act ” More on Home Sales – nationally Why U.S. Home Sales Are Both Up and Down New-Home Sales Drop 11.3% As Impact of Stimulus Fades Home Sales up as Buyers Respond to Tax Credit – National Association of Realtors (read with the biased grain of salt) More on Home Sales – Charlottesville/Albemarle Predictions and Prognostications: Prepped but Didn’t Get to: U.S. Lifts Limit On Aid To Fannie, Freddie Shadow Inventory The nationalization of America’s mortgage problem Resources for Accidental Landlords As Slump Hits Home, Cities Downsize Their Ambitions Fannie, Freddie and the Struggles of HAMP OFHEO – Rankings by *Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions Percent Change in House Prices with MSA Rankings** Period Ended September 30, 2009 OFHEO says Charlottesville real estate has appreciated over 5 years OFHEO says Charlottesville real estate has appreciated over 5 years

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Recycle Those Christmas Trees in Charlottesville and Albemarle

View Christmas Tree Recycling in Charlottesville-Albemarle in a larger map From the County of Albemarle : Trees will be recycled into free mulch for the public It’s almost that time of year again! As in the past, the Albemarle County Parks & Recreation Dept will host its annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program beginning December 26, 2009 through January 16, 2010. … Shortly after the City’s curbside pick up, the County and City Parks & Recreation crews will team up to chip the estimated 2600 trees at Darden Towe Park. … The sites are as follows : – Chris Greene Lake in Earlysville – Crozet Park – Darden Towe Park – Greenwood Community Center * – Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Recycling Center on McIntire Road (*note: Sunday hours are 12noon – 5pm) – Scottsville Community Center – Walnut Creek Park The recycling location on McIntire Road may be congested; please consider Darden Towe Park as an alternate location that is less congested and is suited better for large loads and contract haulers.

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Note from a Reader – Access to Subdivisions

Jim: One thing I looked at when comparing properties was if the subdivision had more than one access; I was surprised at how many were dependent on one way in/out. … This isn’t something I’ve ever thought about, but in light of the snowpocalypse, it’s a pretty good idea. One thing I do tell my clients relocating to the Charlottesville area from other regions is this – when considering the “sub regions” within Charlottesville and Albemarle , consider this – Crozet is the only area with two major roads – 250 and 64 – accessing it. Think about it – 29 North – has 29 Pantops – has 250 and 64, but they converge about a mile too early.

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