Life is a Series of Stories

“Life is a series of stories,” a friend said to me once. I thought about that recently when driving around with new buyer clients, and I started telling some of the stories I always tell early in the working relationship with clients. This time, I was talking about roosters. I’ve thought about writing those stories and sending them to new clients to read before we…

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October Note | Stories, Market, Rates, Cutting Losses

Amazingly, 2018 is winding down. If you’re curious about the Charlottesville real estate market, like sometimes tangential stories about real estate, or are one of my current or past clients, you might appreciate one email a month. Subscribe here. This month Quick Charlottesville real estate market update (short story: it’s changing) Telling stories Assistance Found Cutting Losses Interest Rates are Rising What I’m reading RealCentralVA &…

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Climate Change & Real Estate

tl;dr: climate change is real. Time to change habits – how we eat, build houses, transport ourselves and things, and where and how we live. 1. I’m not qualified to be an alarmist, but I can read. 2. With respect to climate change, your beliefs do not matter Two years ago, I asked, “Would you buy a house in (or near) a flood plain?” That question…

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RealPodVA: Talking about New Construction

Real Central Pod VA 7-18-18 The One Where Jim Talks New Construction These podcasts are fun, I’ve had more than a few of my clients (and friends) tell me they have found them interesting, informative, and worthwhile. Give it a shot – Subscribe to the RealPodVA Podcast here. Transcript follows Jim: Hey there it’s Jim Duncan with Nest Realty, this is Real Pod VA, sitting here…

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As the Charlottesville Market Turns – 2018 Edition

It’s going to be an interesting 2019. I noted in July of this year, (twice) Q: Is the Charlottesville Real Estate Market Turning? A: I don’t know. Yet. I’ve been saying for months that a turn may be coming, and noted it in the July monthly note. And, I’ve been saying for years that I’ll tell you in 18 months what today’s market is actually doing….

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