Vacant Homes for Sale in the Charlottesville Area – 2018 edition

Update 10 September Looking at the 2017 market (a very active market) for some context: In Charlottesville + Albemarle, 2,379 homes sold via the MLS. 485 of those were new construction 1,894 were resales 737 of the 1,894 - 39% - were marked as vacant. Now I'm more curious - was the vacancy rate so high because sellers were so confident that they could sell?...

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Moving Close to Family

Family Matters Grandkids bring in the grandparents. More now than at any other point in my career, I’m representing parents who are moving closer to the kids and grandkids. 20 minutes. Or so. That’s the threshold that most of my clients use (in part thanks to my advice); they want to be 20 minutes or less from kids/grandkids. Under 20 minutes is the perfect time…

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10,000 Closings at Nest + Nest County Fair

10,000. That’s a big number When we started Nest almost 10 years ago, there were but a few of us in a small office in Downtown Charlottesville. We’re a bit bigger now, with 11 offices, and more coming.  We are grateful for each and every person who has chosen to work with us, and look forward to the next 10,000.   Nest County Fair The next…

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Three Things I’d Have Done Differently in My Real Estate Career

Three things I would do differently if I were starting my career over? Maintain my client database better. Asked for client reviews/testimonials. And saved them on the blog. Hired an assistant earlier The consistently exemplary and amazing team at Nest Marketing have put together templates for us. I’m finally using them, and putting them on my Instagram feed. Sprinkling in some shameless self promotion is…

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Process of Buying a Home is a Deliberate Process

Choosing the right home, neighborhood, part of Charlottesville or Albemarle area can be hard, time-consuming, and challenging. As I tell my clients, “you’re making a decision that will affect the rest of your lives (and your kids’ too, if you have them). My advice: take your time. So far this year, I have represented three or four buyers who started the search process between three and five years…

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