Opendoor, Dairy Central, Housing Expenditures

A few stories of micro and macro interest to break up the week. Chris Suarez at the Daily Progress – Dairy Central moving forward. This is going to be a transformative project on the Preston Avenue corridor. Lots going on here, and if you haven’t been to the redone Shenandoah Joe’s, you need to stop by. Allison Wrabel at Daily Progress – Albemarle supervisors to consider changing…

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Describing Charlottesville & Crozet to a Friend – Part 2

A friend shared with me his description of the Charlottesville area that he’d sent to a friend. This is part two; part one is here, and it’s quite useful and good. Reading this has been interesting for me; I look at Charlottesville through the lens of a (relatively) very long-term resident, and as a (relatively) long-term real estate agent. A few things and Zillow are quite…

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“Nothing But Building Equity”

Remember the real estate crash? I do. Short-term thinking is a large part of how we got to the last housing-based recession. Welp. With clients over the weekend, we went into a new construction model home. When the salesperson said this, I was taken aback. "If you build in this phase, all you'll be doing is building equity, because there are more phases to go!"...

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So Much Content – Podcasts, Notes, Words

I walked in a new-to-me park last week in the City of Charlottesville. Can you guess which one?   Producing content is hard. So is practicing real estate. Blog posts have been in short supply of late, as client representation takes precedence. With that said, the real estate podcast is going strong, and we’re finding our groove. The note is in final edits, and June…

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Charlottesville Real Estate Radio – May 2018 | Market, Density, Mortgage Rates, Time in Homes

I truly enjoy when Matt Hodges and I do an hour on Rick’s Sunday Wake-up show. An hour talking about real estate? Yes please! Take some time and listen, if you’re inclined. We talked about an awful lot, including: Mortgage rates – affordability, Stuck in homes/falling in love all over again UVA growth and its affects on the Charlottesville real estate market Counseling buyers and sellers…

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