April 2018 Note | Kindness Matters

Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned about simply having the content here forever (because I own the blog, and I don’t own Tinyletter)   Be Kind. This encounter has stuck with me. In early January I was returning a…

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RealPodVA – Charlottesville Real Estate Podcasts

13 years ago, I  experimented with podcasts. Time to revisit the concept. Here’s the new podcast. With some awesome friends, we’re launching the start of what we aim to be twice-monthly podcasts, talking about the Charlottesville real estate market, community, and a lot more. Listen to the first four podcasts here (they’re still populating across all platforms). I take ZERO credit for the titling, which I love….

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Charlottesville Land Use – A Brief History

Jim’s preface: Affordable housing in Charlottesville + Albemarle (and America) is at, or nearing, crisis stage. I love this post because I learned a lot from it. I hope you do, too. The housing crisis isn’t just about affordability—it’s about economic mobility, too Community land trusts take aim at rising rents Thomas Jefferson Community Land Trust Affordable Housing At Critical Stage The Global Housing Crisis What we…

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Big AirBnB Changes Coming to Albemarle County?

Alison Wrabel at the DP reports: After three work sessions, the Planning Commission on Tuesday recommended to allow whole-house rental, where no owner is present, only in the rural area and for no more than seven days in a month and no more than 45 overnight stays per year. Whole-house rental was not recommended for the development area. The panel also backed allowing up to…

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How Exactly Does Local Government Work?

tl;dr – we’re going to try to learn about local government. If anyone wants to help plan and organize, please contact me. 434-242-7140 How exactly does local government work? (few people know) A few weeks ago, I wrote a story on RealCrozetVA I saw this post recently – An Adult Civics Hour and think we can do the same thing Crozet. And Albemarle.  Based on the Facebook responses, we’re interested.*…

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Charlottesville Garage, Construction, West Main, Streetscape

These are a few Charlottesville development stories on my radar that I will be referencing for the next few days and weeks in conversations with clients: Talks resume in downtown garage dispute “Neither side appears willing to relent its hold in the public-private ownership of the Water Street Parking Garage, but new high-scale developments — such as the Charlottesville Technology Center, West2nd and the Dewberry…

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April Note | Market, Stories, Day One, Fever

Market, Stories, Day One, Fever … a few keywords to pique your interest in this month’s note. Interested? Subscribe here, and join the dozens who read every month. Looking at the current state of the Charlottesville area real estate market Stories I tell at first showings Day One Feverish bike riding Blog roundup from last month. I’ve been writing on this blog quite a bit less, and…

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