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Stupid is as Stupid Does. Or, the Decline of Common Sense in Education

Rather than seeking to educate people – kids, teachers, parents – about the potential dangers of inappropriate student/teacher interaction, the Virginia Board of Education is seeking to prevent all non-official digital communication :

…Model policy for electronic communications with students • Teachers and other school board employees must restrict electronic communications with students to accounts, systems and platforms provided by the school division. … • School board policy on electronic communications with students also applies to teachers and other employees of virtual school programs and other vendors providing instructional services to students.

…Given the choice between having my clients feel like they are making good decisions, and having them actually make good decisions based on facts, analysis and common sense, I will choose common sense 8 days a week.

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10 Ways to “What is the Best Neighborhood in Charlottesville?”

I have catalogued some of the Charlottesville neighborhoods over the years, and will be making an effort to rejuvenate this series in 2011.

…4 – Or “Walking distance to school” 5 – Or close to the kids (Charlottesville is good for retirees and to retire young ) 6 – Or “just far enough from mom and dad that they’re not over every day but can babysit” and they’re not right across the street . 7 – Or “Best resale value over the past twenty years” and best projected resale value over the next ten years. 8 – Or “Best new construction” quality and value 9 – Or “Best architecture” 10 – Or “it just fits perfectly what I and my family are looking for.”

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Your Home’s WalkScore – Edited

One of my biggest complaints is how the data for WalkScore lagged due to the Charlottesville area’s relatively small population/size/scale.

…Now you can add and remove places from the Walk Score map to make sure your neighborhood is accurate and up-to-date.

…A suggestion to homeowners in the City of Charlottesville and other walkable areas of the Charlottesville/Albemarle area: Check out the WalkScore of your home and make sure that the data is accurate and up to date.

… Because I walk the geek line just enough to ask questions: Why can’t WalkScore integrate/pull from/use the APIs of the location leaders – Foursquare Google Places Gowalla Facebook Places ( Looking for walkable homes for sale in Charlottesville and Albemarle?

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Holiday Things to do in Charlottesville

From a client:

Was wondering if you could recommend someplace to cut-your-own Christmas tree farm? Also, where would a cute little 4yr old boy find Santa in C’ville? Lastly, any Christmas activites/events that are a must go to??

I’m wondering, too – where is the best “real” Santa in the Charlottesville area?

There are so many options, too many really, so here are a few of my picks –

(( Update 29 October 2012: I’ll be updating this post in about a month with events for 2012 ))

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Northtown Bike Trail – From Downtown to 29 North – Looks Great

The Northtown Trail is a smart, functional, bold and audacious plan that would likely help shape non-auto-dependent growth, reduce congestion on 29 and maybe help folks using it get more fit .

…The Northtown Trail is tied to several significant roadway projects in the area, including the Route 250 Interchange at McIntire Road , McIntire Road Extended , the Meadow Creek Parkway and Berkmar Drive Extended . The portions of the trail in Albemarle County correspond directly to planned facilities for the Places29 Master Plan, which aims to improve congestion and land use issues along the US 29 north corridor in Albemarle County. … The City’s portion of the conceptual trail corresponds to planned bike and pedestrian facilities along the future McIntire Road Extended and the Route 250 interchange at McIntire Road.

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Charlottesville’s LEAP One of 10 Communities to Test “MPG for Houses”

One of 10 Communities Nationwide to Test Score Akin to MPG Label for Cars The White House today announced that Charlottesville’s Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) was selected to help pilot a new Home Energy Score Program, similar to a miles-per-gallon label for cars, before it is rolled out nationally next summer. LEAP’s Executive Director Cynthia Adams was in Washington, DC, for the announcement today which was attended by Vice President Joe Biden as Chair of the White House Middle Class Task Force, Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Nancy Sutley, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan. LEAP will now be one of the first to offer this valuable tool to customers and stakeholder partners in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties of Albemarle, Greene, Nelson, Fluvanna, and Louisa and will help improve the program before it is rolled out nationally.  “We know that in the U.S. buildings account for 70% of our electrical and 40% of our overall energy use, and yet until now we have had no practical tool for quantifying the relative performance of these buildings.

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Greene County Schools’ Growth

Harrisonburg City grew by an astounding 4.59%, but we outpaced Albemarle, Charlottesville, Louisa, Madison, Orange, Fluvanna, Rockingham, Staunton, and Nelson.

…I suppose that quite a bit of that growth can be attributed to NGIC/DIA as well as the fact that now that Greene has a Lowe’s and Super Wal-Mart people are more inclined to stay in Greene rather than always have to go to Charlottesville. Also, I’d bet that that Hollymead Town Center – Harris Teeter and Target – derives a fair amount of their traffic from southern Greene County.

…If you want a small farm to keep a pony for the kids or a nice vegetable garden, going north may be the answer.

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