Libraries Are Amazing – Charlottesville’s Northside Library

About 20% of my buyer clients identify “close to a library” as a thing that is important to them when determining where they are going to buy a house. How do I know this? On my buyer interview, one of the questions is, “What, if anything, do you need/want to be “close” to?” It’s been a couple years since I stopped into Charlottesville’s Northside Library….

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2018 Predictions for Charlottesville & Albemarle (Real Estate Markets)

From my monthly note (interested in joining the dozens of readers? Start here). 2018 Predictions Many years ago, an economist told me that if you don’t make predictions, people are less inclined to trust you. So, here I go. Assuming our country is still here next year, and economically things stay mostly the same … Shortage of good inventory is going to remain a driving force…

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Charlottesville City Council Chooses to Keep the Dilapidated Landmark

(go to the bottom for a few Landmark Instagrams) I guess we’ll be seeing Charlottesville’s Landmark to the Great Recession for a while longer. Giving incentives to developers is often regarded as a bad thing, but in this case, the choice as I saw, was to either keep a deteriorating building, or provide a relatively small tax break in order to gain more tax revenue…

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A True Garden Tub

For most of my clients, this is one of the better uses of a jacuzzi tub. In today’s real estate market, my advice to those building new homes is, unless they are tub-people, go for the big shower instead, and keep the hall bathtub for guests and kids.   View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jim Duncan (@jimduncan)

Left Turns, Nest Summit, A Big Mistake and a Question | Note from Jim

I was emailing a client, and thought about the “left turn” story that I knew I’d written. I searched. I couldn’t find it, so I found it and published it. Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned…

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