The Mortgage Interest Deduction & Charlottesville – Albemarle

Uncertainty is a bad thing for the real estate market. Any market, really. What impact will the tax bill* have on the Charlottesville area real estate market? I have never had a buyer tell me that one of the top three motivators for buying a home in Charlottesville or Albemarle was to take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction. The MID is a benefit, sure….

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Buffalo & NYC, Market Still Mostly Good, Walled Gardens | Monthly Note Archives

Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned about simply having the content here forever (because I own the blog, and I don’t own Tinyletter) September 2017. First, if you’re thinking about buying or selling, please call or email me. New…

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10th & Page in Charlottesville – Historical Context

This is a rare must-read. Last week’s C-Ville had a remarkable story about the 10th & Page neighborhood. Take the time. Read the whole thing. Sharon Jones’ childhood home no longer exists. It was in an area of Charlottesville called Gospel Hill, which also no longer exists. “My two brothers and I were born there,” says Jones, who was born in 1962. Around that time…

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Blockchain and Real Estate

Q: What is a blockchain? A: “The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.”   I admit; I don’t yet fully grasp blockchain. But I know it’s going to change/effect how we practice real estate. Open data is changing things, but blockchain seems to be potentially a fundamental…

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Pre-Thanksgiving Reading

A few stories that have been sitting in my “to read” list You need to deal with your digital legacy right now. Good, important, and sobering to think about, and plan for one’s mortality. America’s ‘Retail Apocalypse’ Is Really Just Beginning. Wonder what Charlottesville/Albemarle will look like in the future. A few comments on the Seasonal Pattern for House Prices The Social Network That Helps…

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