Deleting Facebook – An Experiment (Part 1 of 2)

“If you’re not the customer, you’re the product,” as the saying goes. I am tired of being the product.* I have a new facebook account; the old one is deactivated. Why? I’ve long said I hate facebook, but use it because I must – for RealCrozetVA community, and for the Crozet Cycling Club pages, and I’ve long said that if I could do those pages without having…

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Quick Look at the Charlottesville Region’s Real Estate Market – July 2017

Numbers, while they don’t necessarily lie, don’t always tell the full story. As I’ve said for years – your micro-market matters. Your neighborhood matters. This neighborhood could be within 1/10th of a mile of that neighborhood, but in the higher level analyses, look very similar. Download these market reports, and then … ask questions.