Something Always Happens (in a real estate transaction)

Or … What Could Go Wrong? There is a fairly linear process to buying a home (in Charlottesville, or anywhere else). Define needs/wants Hire buyer agent Refine needs/wants Search Find Offer to Purchase Contract Loan Process Inspections Walkthrough Closing A lot happens in there, most of it is expected. I have checklists, and expectations for the next step in the process. That said, something always happens…

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Three Charlottesville Neighborhoods; Three Distinct Markets

“Is it a sellers’ market?” A potential client asked that question recently, specifically after we toured three neighborhoods in the immediate urban ring of Charlottesville. Each of the neighborhoods is in the County of Albemarle (meaning, County schools, police, fire, taxes, etc), but they are considered to be “Charlottesville” (22901, 22903 zip codes) As I instinctively answered the question, I thought the answers were interesting, and worth sharing. Neighborhood…

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Albemarle to Grow a Lot; Charlottesville a Little

Where should growth in the City of Charlottesville go? Besides, “over there”? Interesting juxtaposition of stories over the weekend from Charlottesville Tomorrow. (bolding mine) Demographers at the University of Virginia are forecasting a sharp increase in Albemarle’s population by the year 2045, but a smaller rise for the city of Charlottesville. “Charlottesville has had a fair amount of growth and I think it can continue having it,…

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Local Lenders, Filter Bubble, Realtor Value Proposition |

Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned about simply having the content here (because I own the blog, and not Tinyletter) First, a request: if you have a friend you think would like or benefit from reading this note, please…

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Market, Trump, Great Customer Service | Monthly Note, November 2016

Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned about simply having the content here (because I own the blog, and not Tinyletter)   The Market The end of 2016 is near We’re closing out 2016, and I’m going to do a…

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