4 Things about Seasonal Slowing of the Charlottesville Market

I’ve referred to this chart so many times in the past few days, I thought I’d write another post. (most of) The Charlottesville real estate market remains highly active. But … Amazingly, we are entering the seasonally and expected less active part of the market.   That green bump at the end is likely representative of new construction closings-  70 of the 296 December 2016 closings…

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Did You Know about the Hole in the Wall?

Every house has them … those little things that make a house unique, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. Ideally, every transaction would be so easy, unstressful, remarkably friendly and amicable that the seller and buyer would meet and talk about these home’s idiosyncrasies. The Latent Gas Much of the house runs on gas, gas provided by liquid propane. The gas range is in the…

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1st Quarter 2017 Market Report – Prices Up, Inventory Down, Velocity Stable

For many, the Charlottesville – Albemarle real estate market is great. For some, it’s fine. For buyers, it can be profoundly frustrating. For sellers whose houses aren’t selling, the headlines touting the strength of the market are confusing. There are still homeowners whose houses are underwater, for whom the broad headlines and talking points are infuriating and confounding. For a lot of sellers, now is…

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Public Hearing on Albemarle County 2017 Property Tax Hike

No one showed. #Albemarle Opens second public hearing for property tax rates – No one speaks — Neil Williamson (@NeilSWilliamson) April 11, 2017 Now, you have another opportunity to express your opinion about Albemarle County property taxes. Mark your calendars, folks – 15 May 2017 via email: (bolding mine) The Board of Supervisors held public hearings on the Calendar Year 17 Tax Rate and the Board’s…

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Rural vs Urban Life

I love getting messages from friends and readers. What follows is an exchange with a particularly thoughtful client discussing rural and urban life in the Charlottesville area. (my words are italicized) * Actual urban living in Charlottesville is becoming rather unaffordable for many folks. Suburbia is not urban living. When I moved, I had the choice between urban and rural living. If I had wanted urban I would…

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