Recordings in the House

I remember several years ago showing a house, as we do, making honest and critical comments about the house (my folks ended up buying it), when we looked up, saw cameras, and realized we were being recorded by the sellers. We stopped talking. Being able to be in a home unaccompanied is a critical part of the home shopping/evaluating experience. Lots of stuff is said…

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Re-Posting: A New Home is More than a Hole in the Ground

As I was taking photos this morning for out-of-Charlottesville clients who are building a new home, I remembered this story from 2012. It’s worth a re-post. “From the perspective of the rest of the world: one random hole in the ground. For our family on February 8, 2012: the greatest looking slice of earth we have ever seen!!!” My client posted the above comment on the…

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Charlottesville & Albemarle Real Estate Assessments – 2017

Charlottesville & Albemarle Property taxes up.  Rural conspiracy? What do real assessments mean? The following message came to me the other day Mr. Duncan: have you heard any thoughts on the recent county rural tax assessments. my land value dropped roughly 25% this year. I am located 2 miles from the heart of Crozet, closer than some houses in Old Trail. Do Assessors have any legal limit…

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Charlottesville Tomorrow Roundup – Roads, Schools, Planning

Charlottesville Tomorrow remains one of the best and most useful information sources in my wheelhouse. I read at least skim it every day; it’s one way I stay more informed for my clients. A few relevant stories from the past 30 days or so … … that matter to how we live in Charlottesville and Albemarle, how we educate our kids, how we get to work and play….

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Economic Development in Albemarle County?

I remember many years ago, a former Supervisor of Albemarle County said something to the effect, “we shouldn’t incentivize companies to come to Albemarle County; they should already want to come.” Sadly, I think many within Albemarle believe their own press. That’s not good enough. This should be a good, and at the very least, much-needed, meeting about necessary economic development in Albemarle County. Short and simple story –…

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Charlottesville’s Micro Real Estate Markets – in Pictures

Micro markets matter … in all markets. Take the top level real estate data with a grain of salt. The Charlottesville – Albemarle regional market is no different than any other market. When you read market reports, take them as a guide, but know that your market – whether you’re buying or selling a home in the Charlottesville area – will be somewhat unique and different. Take a few…

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