Fairhill Neighborhood in Crozet

We’re nearing the release to the market of the Fairhill neighborhood in Crozet (mailing address is Charlottesville, schools and feel are Crozet), and this video shows what an amazing property it is. Drones are useful things, and I think there is no better way to introduce this property than with Learn more about Fairhill, or ask me about it. Disclosure, as this is obviously an explicit real estate…

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Sharing the Home Buying Experience

tl;dr: People search for homes with other people. Zillow Group’s Consumer Housing Trends 2016 Report makes good reading, and I’m often tempted to print out all 159 pages. One interesting point in Zillow’s report that confirms a societal sharing trend – 86% of buyers “co-shop.”   Home shopping is a shared activity, with 86 percent co-shopping with a spouse or partner (73 percent) or a friend…

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Video: Previewing the 2017 Crozet Real Estate Market

Beer and real estate. or Real estate and beer. Any way you look at it, it’s fun.

David and I met at PRN last week and talked about the 2016 Crozet real estate market, and speculated a bit about the 2017 market. New construction, land sales, residential resales, coming developments … so much covered in under 6 minutes.

While I work heavily in the City of Charlottesville and urban ring, and throughout the rest of Central Virginia, I live in Crozet.

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Albemarle’s Courts and Buses

Two stories of note regarding the Charlottesville City + Albemarle County relationship Albemarle moves forward with study of courts relocation (December 2016) The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday to hire a consultant to assist with a study on moving the county courthouses or the county’s main office building outside of Charlottesville. This would be such a massive change to not only the City/County relationship, but how…

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Preparing for the Spring Real Estate Market in Charlottesville

  The 2017 market in the Charlottesville area is going to be an interesting one. They all are. The Charlottesville real estate market is going to be much less calm than the waters depicted above. Will this property hold value? I received that question by email (and get it many days of the week) the other day, and it was about a specific property in the City…

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