Senior Living Development Oakleigh Coming to Charlottesville

It’s a press release. I know. But it’s an interesting press release.  As our population ages, we need to be aware of the needs brought about by said aging population. The folks doing “The Blake” at Charlottesville have done these developments in 5 other states. Charlottesville, VIRGINIA (December 6, 2016) – Coming to the number one city for retirement, Quality Senior Living, LLC (QSL) along with…

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Food (or Stories) for Thought to Start the Week

A few stories that I think are relevant to today’s real estate market, and the future of same. A Driverless Future – “Imagine a commute where, instead of steering yourself through traffic, you can sip your coffee, get some work done or even nap while your self-driving vehicle makes your commute for you.” Great stuff from UVA. Student Loan Debt Hampering Home Buying: A Regional…

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Reader/buyer Perspective on Charlottesville real estate market

I love the responses to my monthly note (subscribe if you’re interested in the note); they make the writing worthwhile. I posted one response to November’s note yesterday; today brings the second response. Empathy for homebuyers in Charlottesville + Perspective I don’t have much to add to this response, other than to say thank you to the author, and nod my head vigorously in agreement. And a…

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Unsatisfied Charlottesville Buyers & Jobs – Two Great Responses to My Note

1 – I love the responses to my monthly note (subscribe if you’re interested in the note); they make the writing worthwhile. 2 – Two of this month’s on point responses … response #1 today, response #2 tomorrow. The first response came from a remark in which I noted that the 2016 Charlottesville real estate market has left a lot of buyers unsatisfied.   Why are…

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Custom vs Production Homes in Charlottesville

I wrote last year about the different experiences when building with different – and different scale and caliber – Charlottesville builders. Two quick recent examples that detail the difference between building with production (larger scale) builders and smaller, custom home builders: Example One “I have a guy with a mobile sawmill. He can rough saw solid pieces of Oak, Cherry or  Walnut. I would suggest we…

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