November’s Note | Customer Service, the Market, Doctor, Reading List

  This should be a fun note. Working topics include The Charlottesville real estate market – nearing the end of 2016 Good customer service from Galibier. The election and the real estate market My new doctor is awesome. Round of of the best posts on RealCentralVA & RealCrozetVA from October What I’m reading (one of the more popular sections) As a Reminder This note is for…

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Random Thoughts to Start the Week

A few things I’ve been reading over the past few days:   The Brookhill neighborhood development was approved by Albemarle County last week. Their request was to rezone 277 acres from single-family residential to the county’s Neighborhood Model zoning. That would allow for between 800 and 1,550 residential units and a maximum of 130,000 square feet for commercial use. Adjoining neighbors fought – and won – to keep…

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