Bike Lanes and Train Tracks?

Walking and bicycling are good – for the body, for the soul, for the community, and the environment and real estate property values. Yes, my lens is somewhat self-selecting, but the trends amongst home buyers and renters is to be closer to walking and biking trails.

I’m curious to learn what the opportunities are for adding bike lanes and walking paths near train tracks around Charlottesville and Albemarle … and whether/how the City and County could/would work together.

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Albemarle County High School Academy Open Houses

Albemarle County Schools offer academies at each of the high schools. Any County student is eligible to apply, but if you live outside the district, you are responsible for your own transportation. I don’t often write this type of story, but this is one of those things on which I find myself educating my incoming buyer clients; many choose which school district to target before…

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Charlottesville Tomorrow – Moving Courts and Such

October has been a busy, busy month for the fine folks at Charlottesville Tomorrow; these are but a few of their stories most relevant to those who live in, near, or are thinking about moving to Charlottesville or Albemarle. Albemarle may be moving their courts out of Downtown Charlottesville This is big, and if they move, would change the efficiency of real estate closings in Charlottesville. New site plan…

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Macro Economic Real Estate Trends – Talk by Lawrence Yun with NAR

Lots to digest after hearing Lawrence Yun this morning. These slides struck me though. — Jim Duncan (@JimDuncan) October 13, 2016   Last week’s presentation by Dr. Yun, Chief Economist from the National Association of Realtors was an interesting one, as always. He has a high-level economist’s view that is tremendously useful – not necessarily from a “what’s happening in the Charlottesville real estate market”…

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