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Can Crozet have Three Centers?

Downtown Crozet needs to do something to combat the challenges put forth by: – The 250 West Corridor – Anytime Fitness, Harris Teeter, medical and dental offices, restaurants, office space … residential housing … – Old Trail Village – ACAC Fitness, Trailside Coffee, restaurants, Augusta Medical facility, Advanced Center for Physical Therapy (awesome place – they helped me rehab my ankle after a soccer injury) … residential housing in Old Trail Village .

…A group that oversees planning in Crozet has endorsed a new concept to redevelop a lumber yard on the Square into a walkable and livable community similar to Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall. 

…“This is a very small scale, a version of that, but what it does create is the ability to have a gathering space and some place where people love to go [in] Crozet.” 
… “From [research and development] business to office space, restaurants, retail [and] some housing,” Roell said, “it will provide a variety of opportunities for people to locate their businesses, live, work, play and entertain each other.”

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Nothing Better than Fresh-Picked Strawberries from Crozet

There’s nothing better than a morning at the orchard with the family, picking strawberries, drinking fresh strawberry milkshakes … Seriously good strawberries from Chiles Orchard in Crozet .

… We’re lucky to have so many local orchards in the Charlottesville area ; making time to take advantage of them is the challenge. Further, now farmers in Albemarle are more free to sell their goods .

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Light Industrial and a Gas Station in Crozet?

A spirited crowd of Crozet residents was on hand at a public forum Thursday to challenge the notion that western Albemarle is a prime location for expanded industrial development. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has asked for consideration of a new light industrial business park in the Crozet Master Plan’s first five-year update.

“We’ve been waiting for this meeting and don’t know if the Board of Supervisors has already made a preliminary decision or not,” said Meg West, a Crozet resident for over 25 years who is opposed to the new park.

…At its meeting Monday, the ARB told the applicant’s representative, Jo Higgins , that the Re-Store’n Station plan had not improved enough over the past year and still had a negative impact on the adjacent neighborhood and historic area of Free Town.

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