3rd Quarter 2016 Charlottesville Real Estate Market Report

  If you’re buying a home in the Charlottesville area right now, this can be a challenging market – some pockets remain extremely competitive (mainly the City of Charlottesville and close-in urban ring markets) – and for other pockets, days on market are up a bit and prices are stable. Your micro market will vary. Use this market report as a guide, and a great starting point…

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A Few Charlottesville Area Hikes for Kids

Looking out from AftonOrtman RoadNewtownDick Woods? October. It's one of the best months in Charlottesville, and certainly one of the best for hiking, biking, being outdoors. A friend emailed - I'd like to start getting my kids more involved in family hikes. They are 8 and 7. Do you have favorite hikes to recommend as a place to start for them? I've been riding my bicycle...

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Local Lenders, Close Family, Googling Best Schools + the Charlottesville Market | Note from Jim

Archives of my subscription-only monthly notes. The blog is more searchable. Interested in not waiting a few months to read it? Learn more here.   For these posts, I don’t do much formatting/changing as I’m more concerned about simply having the content here (because I own the blog, and not Tinyletter) Discussed: Local Lenders, Close Family, Googling Best Schools + the Charlottesville Market | Note from Jim