Monthly Note – Market, Slack, & Soccer

Following up on last month’s note, I’m writing about Slack, innovation in real estate (and why it’s hard to disrupt), some thoughts about coaching soccer, and a bit more. Interested? Two clicks here and you get one email a month – real estate anecdotes, insight, and a round up of some of the best stories from RealCrozetVA and RealCentralVA. Based on reviews, it’s a good…

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Making a Rash Homebuying Decision

Getting my buyer-client to the point where they can make a rash decision. That’s my goal. The Charlottesville real estate market – in many ways, it sucks. Really. Sucks. *NB: This applies to a certain segment of the Charlottesville area real estate market – and cannot and should not be applied broadly across all market segments. Here’s how. House comes on the market on Monday at 9….

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Market Street Plaza Renamed – Now West2nd

Downtown Charlottesville continues to evolve. No matter how you name or brand it, the West2nd, neé Market Plaza, is going to reshape Downtown Charlottesville. More information on the project is here. We noticed the sign yesterday morning when walking from Nest to a meeting; one of the benefits of walking and knowing an area is being able to note new things.   Sean Tubbs with Charlottesville Tomorrow, naturally,…

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A Disco Ball, House under Construction, and Trespassing

Well, this is scary.

Parents: do you know where your kids are?

New construction – not just new homes, new hopes, dreams, operating systems … but opportunities for thieves to steal tools, vandals to start fires and parties and shootings, apparently.

From Richmond:

A house under construction in an upscale Chesterfield County neighborhood where three young people were shot, two fatally, may have been randomly selected as a party house after the gathering was promoted on Instagram and drew 200 to 300 people, police said today.

Relevant Charlottesville area story

 … bolding mine.

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