(Urban) Planning for Self-Driving Cars

I don’t know the answers, but it’s worth the conversation and awareness. How are Charlottesville/Albemarle/Central Virginia planning for self-driving cars? They’re coming. Uber swallows self-driving truck startup Otto for $680 million Columbus’ smart city win may lead to autonomous trucks Local smart city planners want big government to butt out Jobs that can be performed by machines eventually will be performed by machines.  One day, society…

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Monday Reading – AirBnB, Smart Homes, Affordable Housing

“Can I AirBnB this?” is a question a lot more of my clients are asking. Everyone wants to tax AirBnB. Here’s how to apply to be taxed at Charlottesville’s site. Albemarle County are considering (they will) taxing AirBnb. I wish they would date their documents. Interesting point from a County recommendation in November 2015: “Albemarle County is currently at the statutor y5% cap for Counties; cities do…

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