A Conversation about Growth in Charlottesville and Albemarle

What follows is an email conversation with a friend last week; we’re all struggling with coming to terms with growth in the City of Charlottesville, County of Albemarle, and surrounding areas. Our community is going to grow. I’ve written before about how I, as a Realtor, and resident, struggle with growth. How we grow – from massing, location, and process perspectives matter. Italics are my words. I…

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June 2016 Monthly Note | Homeownership’s Value, Market, Buyers & Sellers Talking

This month’s note is going to be one that is short and sweet. Interested in a bit of market analysis about the Charlottesville and Albemarle real estate market? Valuing homeownership, and knowing when an agent needs to withdraw from – and step back into – the conversation is critical. Two clicks and you’ll get one email a month from me. Join the tens of satisfied readers; sign up…

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What if … Charlottesville & Albemarle Were Like Portland?

Often a conversation around Charlottesville is, what if Charlottesville was like Austin, or Aspen? But … what if … Charlottesville/Albemarle aimed to be like Portland? Just a thought … I just returned from a trip to Portland, Oregon. (One of the best real estate conferences I’ve ever attended) The bicycle infrastructure was mind-blowing. Riding a bicycle for transportation purposes in Portland is normal, which itself is a…

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The Rio Road Grade Separated Interchange Project – Live!

What they are doing at the intersection of Rio and 29 in Charlottesville is amazing.     I don’t know if this project is going to actually make traffic more efficient, but it sure is incredible to watch. Watch it here, but try to not spend too much time checking out the progress. Thanks to Neil for the explanation of just how much dirt they’re moving…

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Caution Advised

I’ve said for years that we (I) won’t know today’s state of the real estate market until we have at least 18 months’ hindsight. I’m putting this here for later reference. 3% Downpayment being offered by Wells Fargo. Having nearly no skin in the game didn’t work out well last time. Fact: some people shouldn’t be homeowners. Simple. Rocket Mortgage *note they’re not local), . I know…

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Charlottesville – Then and Now for Some Perspective

There are so very many conversations ongoing in Charlottesville about “how and where should Charlottesville grow?” Spend some time at the Charlottesville Then & Now … things change. Things will always change. How we change is an important dialogue.     Charlottesville was a cool place then and (hopefully) it will be a cool place in 20 and 50 and 100 years.   Want more historical images? Check…

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