Parking, Paving, Schools Borrowing Money, Wine, & Bikes

Charlottesville Tomorrow is one of the community’s most valuable resources and they put out a tremendous amount of information that is relevant to my clients, potential clients, (and importantly, myself and my family). So … for the past 30 days or so, these are some of my most relevant stories from Charlottesville Tomorrow. Proposed Albemarle development to offer sites for two new schools Good. Lots of…

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The 2005 Real Estate Market is Back. In Some Places

In some pockets of the Charlottesville – Albemarle real estate market (and other markets around the country, based on anecdotes from clients), the following is relevant and applicable again. Take 7 minutes to listen to the NPR story. I wrote in 2005: “I heard the end of an interesting story on NPR this morning discussing the over-heated real estate markets nationwide. One couple was recalling how they had…

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1st Quarter 2016 Nest Report – How’s the Market?

Download the Nest Report here, dig in, ask questions, and remember – this is a snapshot of the total market. Your market will vary, whether that’s a condo in the heart of downtown Charlottesville or the outskirts of town, single family home in North Downtown or a home on three acres in Earlysville, or a townhome near Wegmans or three blocks from the Downtown Mall.   Have…

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