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Would you Use an Open Space in Crozet?

I’ve made no secret about how much I like Open Space in Charlottesville . While they are still trying to, in the words of a friend, “ trying to find their soul ” – seeking their own personality as it were, it’s a fantastic concept, and is a space I use as frequently as possible.

… I’m a Realtor , so having a great space to work and meet clients is crucial, but not something I need every day.

…My question is this – if there were an Open Space in Crozet – in Old Trail for example – would you use it?

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Could Crozet Library Close?

From The HooK : Not only is Crozet not getting the mammoth new library it was expecting , a possible ten percent budget cut might mean closure of library it already enjoys, and Scottsville could lose its library with just a five percent cut.

…Last January, the State Library Board adopted a new standard of “.6 SF with .8 desired” for public libraries serving populations up to 25,000. … Based on those standards, if Crozet’s service area population (that is, the population within 6 miles of the library) reaches 25,000, the public library should be in the square foot range of 15,000 SF – 20,000 SF. A rule of thumb in public library development is that when a building’s circulation of library materials (checkouts) reaches 25 per square foot per year, the library should plan for expansion.

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Crozet Tweetup – 10 December

We’ve had Charlottesville Tweetups before . As Crozet continues its growth towards self-sufficiency – coffee shops, grocery stores, restaurants, hardware stores, Christmas trees – there are fewer and fewer reasons to come to Charlottesville (other than work … and even in that category Crozet has made progress over the past few years ) … now it’s time for a Crozet Tweetup . Date : 10 December Time : Noon – 2 Location : Fardowners in the Square in Crozet RSVP either via the twtvite below or in the comments … or email or Twitter …

Crozet Lunch Tweetup Just a friendly neighborhood lunch time get together…

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Thoughts on Crozet Library’s Further Delay

I suspect no one has or will move to Crozet because of the library, but having a good library, as we do now, is a component of a community with a high quality of life. … Based on those standards, if Crozet’s service area population (that is, the population within 6 miles of the library) reaches 25,000, the public library should be in the square foot range of 15,000 SF – 20,000 SF. … John Halliday, Library Director Jefferson-Madison Regional Library 201 East Market Street, Charlottesville Virginia 22902 Mike Marshall at the Crozet Gazette noted last month : County leaders have notified the Crozet Library Steering Committee that they will recommend to supervisors that the project be pushed back yet again (it was originally slated to open in 2011) and not be considered for funding before 2015. … The County should take advantage of currently depressed construction costs by either borrowing money, getting a slice of the $787 billion the federals are looking to spend on “shovel ready” projects, or by suspending the County’s annual tribute payment to Charlottesville—the so-called “revenue sharing agreement” in which only the County does the sharing—a sum which next year will run about $18 million.

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