Nearly End of the Year Real Estate Market Report for Charlottesville + Albemarle

I’m finalizing my monthly note and thought I’d share a quick update on the Charlottesville real estate market. If you want to read the Note, please get more information here.

Albemarle County – mostly stable
Single family home new listings : up 3% from 1562 in 2014 to 1609
Attached homes: flat – 454 in 2015 to 451 this year
Single family home closings: up from 929 to 996 in 2015
Attached homes: up from 338 to 356.

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Wednesday Thoughts – Getting Rid of IDX, Community, and Fear

A few thoughts this Wednesday that may or may not turn into stories for either the blog or the monthly note.

  • How many sides (transactions) does a real estate agent need under her belt before being “reasonably competent”? And how many should he do each year to maintain said competence?
  • Fear sells. Don’t buy it. “Policy based on fear may be expedient for politicians and profitable for the media and the security sector, but it is generally bad policy.” In life and in real estate economics, pay attention to your life and surroundings rather than what you see through the national lens.
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December’s Monthly Note – Roundup, Newbies, & Turning Others In + a Question

December 2015 Monthly Note
December 2015 Monthly Note


This is going to be a fun note.

A big question for you – I’m thisclose to removing the “search for homes” feature from this blog. For good. What do you think?

First, two stories – newbies and self-policing of real estate agents. Then I’ll talk a bit about market data and the nearly-end-of-2015 state of the market.

Then, I’ll talk a bit about the just-finished Nest Summit, going “behind the sign” (and possible ramifications), and I’ll touch on some of the things I’m reading …

As always, the blog roundup for November’s better and more relevant stories from RealCentralVA and RealCrozetVA.

Interested? Two clicks. Right here. Right now.

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Trying out a Matterport in Charlottesville

I’m trying something new; while I’m not the first in Charlottesville to try marketing a house via Matterport, I’m one of the first. Sometimes cutting edge is better than bleeding edge.

Thoughts on this Matterport walkthrough welcomed. The house is not quite ready for the market*, but will be soon. I’m not sold on the “dollhouse” view, but the walkthrough of the house definitely shows the layout. I thought the Matterport would be useful for this particular house as the layout is quite diverse. I like how you can see out the windows as well.

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Flipping the Switch with Your Parents

Multi-generational households are becoming more commonplace. I call it, “flipping the switch.” Used to be, parents took care of us; now, more and more often, we’re taking care of the parents.

Anecdotally, this trend is on the rise. More and more of my clients are identifying either “I want a place for mom/dad, mom & dad to come stay/live with us” either because they’re getting older or because the grandparents want to spend extended periods of time with the grandkids.

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