TRID Impact on Charlottesville Real Estate Closings

Q: What is TRID? A: The TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure A: (Longer): Truth In Lending Act – Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Even Longer Answer: The ways in which buyers and sellers close on houses is about to change. For new buyers, nothing will change (because there’s not context). A few preliminary takeaways before implementation of the new processes – Work with local lenders. I’m not sure…

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Look Beyond Test Scores When Evaluating Schools

School quality matters with respect to home values; this is inarguable. Zestimates and locality assessments matter to a certain degree when evaluating home values. What about school ratings on websites? Take the following email exchange from one of my (very smart) clients. (I’ve anonymized the schools for this post, and I apologize in advance for how it breaks up the story, and I’ve edited a…

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Albemarle County’s Rivanna District 2015 Election – These Matter

Local elections matter. 5,186 people voted in 2011; that’s not many people. The three candidates for the Rivanna District have had the audio and video from their interviews posted.  Charlottesville Tomorrow is holding their Rivanna District Candidate forum on 10 September at 6pm. If you’re interested (and if you’re in the Rivanna District, you should be), spend a few minutes listening to these their interviews, and…

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Everyone Loves ABC

Charlottesville 29 wrote a simple, short post earlier this week about Albemarle Baking Company (ABC). I know this: their blueberry muffins, chocolate chip cookies, and bread are fantastic. What I love most about the story is not just that it’s a reminder that Charlottesville is blessed to have remarkable (non-chain) bakeries, but we have a local community that so avidly looks out for our local businesses….

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Vacancies on the Charlottesville Downtown Mall

I was walking on the Downtown Mall this morning, and took note of the seemingly large number of vacancies, and thought of this post by Smart Cville. This is a great visualization of the vacancies on the Downtown Mall over the past few years. I wonder what, if any, impact Stonefield has had.   Background: – Does Charlottesville hate chains? – Will Stonefield hurt Barracks…

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