How Will Albemarle Grow?

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports that Albemarle’s Board of Supervisors are going to vote in September on whether to expand the growth area by 82 acres to the southwest of US 29 and 64. There is just too much meat in Sean Tubb’s article to accurately summarize here, so I’ll recommend you read the whole darn thing. After you’ve read the whole article, ask questions. For which company/business are…

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Correcting Data from the May Note. Darn it.

This month, I’m embracing fallibility.  Bad things can happen when I don’t listen to the editors. In this case, that “bad thing” is confusion amongst readers. If you’re interested in the Note, please subscribe here. Also note that were I to run the following numbers today, they would be slightly different as data tends to get input into the Charlottesville MLS days and sometimes weeks after…

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Two Thoughts on Downtown Charlottesville’s Now & Future

Two questions from this week’s C-Ville struck me as they highlight the sort of crossroads at which Charlottesville finds itself. First, in commenting on the closure of one of my all-time favorite Charlottesville restaurants, Eppie’s, which closed not from lack of business but from the owners wanting to do other things came this remark from the owner of the now-closed Cappellino’s Cupcakes: “It got to…

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The Charlottesville Look Back

There are times when Charlottesville feels like a big, massive city. More often than not, there are times when Charlottesville feels like a big, massive city. More often than not, Charlottesville  feels like the smallest town you’ve ever lived in. A client* described this as “the Charlottesville look back.” The Charlottesville Lookback: That time when you’re at dinner, and you start to have a conversation with your…

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