Has Tesla made the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Obsolete?

With the forthcoming Tesla home battery, is the proposed Dominion Power Atlantic Coast pipeline through Nelson County (and obviously other localities) obsolete before it’s a reality? Tesla (Tesla Motors, Space X, Hyperloop, and God knows what else) is apparently going to launch a battery for homes. Game. Changer. The biggest news here—and why utility companies are likely worried—is that with a cheaper, more accessible battery,…

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Some Good Questions Buyers Should be Asking

A few weeks ago I wrote about the Questions Buyers Should be Asking. This year, Reddit provides another great discussion that should be required reading for buyers – What is something you wish you’d checked before buying a property? I’m glad to see one of the suggestions is one that I have been recommending to buyer clients for years – snaking the sewer line from…

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Charlottesville & Albemarle Raising Taxes – 2015 Edition

Assessed values in the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle are up across the board and now the respective localities have voted to increase taxes – The City is raising is meals tax 1% and the County is raising the property tax rate from 79 cents to 82 cents per $100 of assessed value. If the County would devote that money to infrastructure, and have a sunset…

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