Fascinating Fact about Albemarle’s Housing Stock

If you're not following @SeanTubbs, you should be. Fun fact from comp plan: 85% of housing in #Albemarle was built after 1960. — seantubbs (@seantubbs) March 10, 2015 This is a good time to reference this post What does aging housing stock mean for home buyers? With more houses around 40 years old, the National Association of Realtors asserts that homeowners will have to undertake...

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March 2015 Note – Market, Normal, Zillow

  I’m aiming to have this month’s note out by Monday, so as to give a few extra days for Charlottesville agents to input (hopefully correct) data into the MLS. One thing I forgot in the outline above – the blog roundup, in which I summarize the best posts from last month on RealCentralVA and RealCrozetVA. Two clicks here, and you’ll get my note in your inbox….

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Zillow Becoming “More Righter” Than Ever

I’m going to just humbly place here what I wrote in 2006: … what if Zillow’s reach becomes so great, their data become so vast and inclusive, that their Zestimates significantly impact what is fair market value? What if the purchasing and selling population refer to Zillow as the end-all, be-all estimator for their homes’ valuations? What if “close enough” is “good enough”? What if…

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How On-Time is Charlottesville’s Amtrak?

Great transit is darn near a necessity for a lot of people, particularly those moving to Charlottesville from cities within the US and from Europe who are accustomed to, and dependent on, trains. Living in the City of Charlottesville without a car is doable, with the combination of bicycles, Zipcars and taxis (and you know, walking). Amtrak runs from Charlottesville to DC and New York, but how on-time is…

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