Monthly Notes | Seeking Better Realtors, Population Controls, The Market & Realtors -v- Zillow

Until the end of this year, I’m going to be posting my monthly notes. So far, I’ve written these note for 18 months, and the only thing that I’ve lamented about the notes is the lack of search- and link-ability. I’ve written before that the blog is my pensieve, and, simply, I want to be able to link to these stories for my clients (and…

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How Long Will you Drive to Get to the Charlottesville Wegmans?

A serious question: if you already live in the area, will you make a special trip to the store? If you live up 29 North will you go here? If you live in Crozet, will you go here?

Wegmans is coming. I saw that all the trees were gone, so I turned around to take this picture.

Amazing how quickly land is cleared, particularly in context of how long this project has been in the works.


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Is Parking Too Cheap in Downtown Charlottesville?

Parking in Downtown Charlottesville is limited, and likely will get more limited when the Market Plaza is under construction and completed. Now this: The Downtown Business Association of Charlottesville has asked the City Council to consider charging for on-street parking within the downtown core. “Our present on-street free parking system is not serving the needs of the public or the businesses downtown and has acted to restrict the availability of parking downtown for…

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December 2014’s Monthly Note- Year-End Review, Predicting 2015

This will be a fun note … I’m excited to talk about RealCentralVA’s new look, and some of the back-end changes that will help me focus more on writing than messing with the blog itself. Also, I’ll be looking back at the 2014 Charlottesville real estate market, looking forward to 2015, and a few other interesting things. Curious? Two clicks here and you’ll get the note in…

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“Charlottesville” is a great “holiday town”

“Charlottesville” is a great “holiday town” … whatever that means.

Travel & Leisure Magazine ranked Charlottesville as #22 in their list of “America’s Best Towns for the Holidays.”

Two notes:

1) I’ve gleefully driven through the Corner multiple times since (most of) the students have departed; it’s so much quieter right now.

2) I put “Charlottesville” in quotation marks as the Magazine clearly means “the Charlottesville area” …

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