The Charlottesville Bubble Blog wonders this very question; I have a feeling that this will be one of the main topics of my time on WINA Friday (today) from 4:15 to 5. I wonder if…
Posts tagged Blog
Four Years of Blogging at RealCentralVA – And No End in Sight
The impact that real estate blogging has had on the real estate (and the impact yet to be effected) industry is remarkable and incalculable. Over the past four years, I’ve written a lot – at Bloodhound Blog , currently write at Agent Genius , RealCrozetVA since September 2005 , recently started RealWaynesboroVA … and have more ideas than time for what I have yet to even begin to accomplish in the blogging space. … Thanks to the Internet Archive (which doesn’t seem to be archiving anymore) – here’s a brief look back at four years of blogging – Believe it or not, my original blog is still up and hosted on my dot mac account ; running on the iblog blogging platform – Early 2005
Lessons learned – 1) Don’t do that.
Upgraded to WordPress 2.7
I just upgraded this blog to the newest version of Wordpress , the brilliant software that makes my blogging life possible. … I am very proud of myself for waiting two entire days to upgrade (I tested it out on several other blogs first).
What Makes a Great Hyper-Local Blog
It’s a shame that he’s ” throwing in the towel ” because the comments speak to the value that his site has brought to his community, but it’s good that the site will continue. … Two Three Four points (just read the whole thing) with which I particularly agree, and if I could copy and paste his entire post, I would, because each one is poignant.
Duplicate content in the RE.NET
One of the key concepts of the real estate blogging space has been the original content and unique voices found at each different site; this originality seems to be waning a bit this year as the medium grows and the same content is published at different sites. … For example, and I’m not alone in my writing responsibilities, I write at a couple of places – – RealCentralVA – a blog focused on the Charlottesville/Central Virginia real estate market and trends affecting same.