I’m not saying that there are “lots of buyers who are buying,” but there do seem to be “lots of buyers” who are kicking the tires, and some of them are writing offers (and believe it or not, some of these offers are becoming Contracts). Take the following anecdotal evidence for what you will – 1 – I’m busy (and still taking on new clients), showing a lot of houses all over the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County (for some reason, my clients seem to cluster, no one in Waynesboro or Fluvanna yet this year) 2 – A Real Estate III agent told me that she had fourteen groups of interested folks through one of her public open houses last weekend – all with no advertising.
Posts tagged Buyers
Moving to Charlottesville?
Clubs/Networks (just a sampling) Charlottesville Young Professionals Charlottesville Sports and Social Club The next three came from my curiosity – I started typing in “Charlottesville [blank] club” into Google and quickly figured that there’s likely a club for anything and everything (seriously be creative when you try it!) – Charlottesville Track Club Charlottesville Hiking Club Charlottesville Drinking Club Rentals – For most people relocating blind to the area (having only been here once or twice) I would much rather we take a “rent now, buy later approach” (although this is certainly not “one size fits all” – each person and situation is different).
Is There Radon in Charlottesville?
This is what I tell my clients – a radon mitigation system accomplishes at least three things – 1) Provides peace of mind – for homeowners and buyers 2) Can be an asset when you sell your home – it’s one less potential objection from the buyers 3) It provides for a safer environment in which to live. … Results of short-term tests represent the radon potential of the home, rather than the actual exposure encountered under normal living conditions, unless residents keep the home’s windows and doors closed year-round.
Billable Hours, Straight Commission, Hybrid or Both?
One giant stipulation for this somewhat hypothetical discussion is this – in this make-believe world of fairies and unicorns, the buyer pays the buyer’s agent and the seller pays the seller’s agent – in other words, we have succeeded in rending total control of the buyers’ agents’ compensation from the seller and the sellers’ agents. ( hint : we’ve divorced the commissions ). … And when the agents representing the buyers have nothing to give away but conversely have to place a price on their services and actually charge their clients directly, the associated accountability will only benefit the buyer… So let’s assume that the buyer is willing to pay her buyer’s agent .
Finding the Bridge between Those who Are Buying and Those who Are Not
– have a home I am contacted by buyers all the time who are interested in buying homes in the Charlottesville area – many are affiliated with UVA, others are professionals who are likely to remain in the area for several years, still more are in the position of downtownenvy – Personally, we want a 4 bedroom downtown with a yard because we have a large and possibly growing family. We want a house this size because we plan on living in it for at least the next 30 years, and don’t feel like doing a small starter home for 5-10 years, and then purchasing a “move up†home.
Why Aren’t You Buying RIGHT NOW? Part 1
Just be prepared to stay in the hosue (sic) for awhile, maybe even a long while Simple top-level mortgage math, excluding Taxes and Insurance and including Principal and Interest – (and assuming 100% financing for simplicity’s sake – not something I advise) – If the house you want today is $300,000, assuming you get a 5% interest rate* – Now, if rates go up later in the year –
And think about this subsequent comment – Yes, let’s encourage everyone to wait for the bottom. … This way the companies who maintain nice neighborhoods are out of business, HOA are crap, sidewalks and streets in those neighborhoods fall apart with only banks to maintain them (HA-HA – yeah right…..) and the quality of life in Charlottesville will have gone way, way down for all.
Notes From a Buyer Meeting
This post from last year has links to stories about choosing the right Buyer’s Agent, Top 5 Questions Buyers ask, Why I ask all of my clients to sign Buyer-Broker agreements and more.
…As I said on WINA radio recently , I expect everything that I say to be Google and vetted through family, friends, Facebook , LinkedIn … now is the time to ask questions.