Two questions, the answers to which will help drive a future post. … What is the biggest reason you are not looking to purchase a home right now?
Posts tagged Buyers
A Great Time to Buy! (a house in Charlottesville)
They didn’t invest in an ATM; they’re not getting a HELOC to finance their burgeoning real estate investment club, and I suspect they won’t be pulling money out of the house to buy a new car to keep up with the Jones. … All I can do as a Buyer’s Agent is advise my clients as to the current state of the market, what the comps ( more active and under contract than sold ) indicate is a fair price, and manage and guide them through the transaction.
NGIC Employees can choose Their Own Buyer Representation
Neither I nor my company will not be one of those going on this trip to court the future residents of Central Virginia, but that doesn’t mean that our Buyer Agency services offered won’t be available to these employees; we just won’t have the initial one-on-one opportunity to introduce ourselves. … An important note – the Charlottesville/Albemarle/Greene (otherwise known as “Central Virginia) region does not have reliable public transit (yet) – although local government officials are doing their respective best to extract whatever they can – (bolding mine) Supervisor David Slutzky (Rio) asked how many people might be in that “contractor tail†in addition to the 1,000 personnel being relocated.
Divorced Commissons, Greg Swann Style
While Greg and I don’t agree on a lot of things (I think the National Association of Realtors may be worth saving, he holds a special vitriol for them), one thing we share is a passion for having buyers pay their buyer representatives.
…It’s a novel concept: rather than have the buyer’s agent (and buyer) obligated to be paid whatever the seller may be offering, in the divorced commission model the buyer pays the buyer’s agent.
A Sign of the Times – Short Sale in Old Trail
This post breaks my unwritten rule guideline to not blog about listings , but it’s noteworthy for a couple of reasons – 1 – It’s a short sale in Albemarle, something of which we haven’t seen much so far in this market shift. … 2 – It’s in Old Trail , which is, in my opinion, just ahead of the curve and is poised for great success in the medium to long-term. (more on why in a later post) 3 – It is owned by local builder Church Hill Homes .
Posts with Enduring Interest – Take Two – Just for Buyers
Choosing the Right Buyer’s Agent Proof that Gas Prices are affecting buyers in Charlottesville area A Cautionary Tale – Yet another Due Diligence Question for Buyers, Sellers and Realtors You’re Buying Your Monday Mornings Online Buyers’ Habits Changing Why take a Buyer’s Agent to New Construction? … Questions to ask your agent in Charlottesville – hiring representation should not be taken lightly Default Position – one of many posts written on the perils of Dual Agency – for the frequently unsuspecting Buyers but for the Realtor profession as well.
Choosing the Right Buyer’s Agent
Choose someone whom you trust and get along with and like – not just because you met them at an open house, or because they have a blog, or because they are your sister’s husband’s friend who is just getting started and needs a break. … Contrary to public opinion, a good buyer’s agent is focused on the client’s needs more than their own.