Posts tagged charlalbemarle

Charlottesville Tweetup Roundup

The 2nd Charlottesville Tweet Up was held last Friday at Rapture on the Downtown Mall and it was a blast – an excellent way to spend an hour or so on a Friday afternoon, meeting friends “IRL” – In Real Life – an often infrequent experience in this online world.

…I said on Lee Lefever’s (of Common Craft, who produced the video below ) blog this morning: I’m struggling with this myself – I recently set up Twitter accounts for three of my blogs – each serves a different real estate market – and I initially thought that I would tweet from each one.

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Charlottesville Builders – Local is Good (and Bad)

This isn’t an ode to Church Hill (but they are the largest local ones to go so far, so naturally they are on the top of everyone’s minds) or any other builder – but a focus on the benefits of ” local .” … For many years, Charlottesville has been an area that offered many home and community choices in the form of many small to medium privately owned home builders and developers.

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Telling a Story of a House

Luxury homes require advanced Mad Libs: employ the words “the” and “at,” and for maximum pretentiousness add an “e” to the word at the end of the name, to give it an Olde English feele: a moniker like “The Heights at Meadow Creeke,” for example, would have ignited frantic bidding wars in the early 2000s. … * Yes, I know that I’m treading the line of my long-held belief against blogging about my listings, but this is one of those rare occasions where a post transcends “hey!

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Every Customer Counts

Matches up pretty well with my experience there right after they opened. about 7 hours ago from twhirl in reply to JimDuncan” (I’ll bet she’ll talk to 10 people) – Marijean commented on Amanda’s post (easily 10 people here) – Nick saw our tweets – “thanks @jimduncan and @emccullough for the info/pointers on the boathouse. had thought about trying it, but might wait a while or so ” (Nick, too ) – Waldo noted the blog post about the Boathouse . … – Ignore it all – it’s only a few blogs and tweets after all (but check out the people who noticed – they’re all connected and are likely either influencers, connectors or mavens ) The first idea is that some people are “hubs” – they are well connected.

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