In short we spent about forty five minutes rambling about the state of the Charlottesville area real estate market and touched on the following topics (from memory) – – Have green homes reached a tipping point? … At least one story idea came of the show, and I might try to write a story about it in the next couple of weeks – what percentage of properties are on the market in the respective localities in the Central Virginia region?
Posts tagged charlalbemarle
Albemarle now has Curbside Recycling
Private enterprise has taken the lead where government cannot – courtesy of a Channel 29 story – For twenty bucks a month, My Recycling Club will … come pick it up every other week…… In response to an email, Sue Battani said, “The news blurb has created quite a buzz for us and we are very excited about it.
Are Green Homes the new “Trophy” Homes?
The market is moving beyond individual green products and into the realm of green developments – because the market is demanding LEED-certified Neighborhood Developments (although I’d argue that LEED-ND has not yet reached mainstream vernacular) Courtesy of the National Association of Realtors’ On Common Ground magazine * – Experts interviewed for this article were unanimous on one point: collecting green-certiï¬ed houses into a conventional subdivision on a former farm ï¬ eld at the edge of the metro area would not a green neighborhood make. … For proof that “Smart” Growth is mainstream, check out this partnership that defies presumptions about Realtors always wanting to build, build, build at all costs – Those are some of the results of the 2007 Growth and Transportation survey sponsored by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and Smart Growth America.
Vacant Homes and Homeowners’ Insurance
As promised last week (and delayed), the following is written by David Jenkins, an insurance agent with Liberty Mutual in Charlottesville* . meant to answer the question raised when I was last on Charlottesville Right-Now with Coy Barefoot . … If the company is not notified, the policy could be cancelled if they find out, and a claim could be denied because of this as well.
Should Charlottesville be like Austin or Aspen?
(Gary) Henry, a Board member of the Charlottesville Business Innovation Council , is continuing his efforts to call attention to a fork in the road that he sees approaching for the area’s future; one branch leading to an economically and culturally diverse city with a healthy middle class (Austin), the other leading to a ritzy retirement and tourism community where only the wealthy can afford to live (Aspen). … Read more and watch his presentation at Charlottesville Tomorrow .
CHO Responds to Questions about their impending demise
Interestingly enough, the local CBS Newsplex carried a story on this report, even though the Coalition has failed to return calls or requests for factual data utilized to comprise their conclusions. … The last economic impact report issued by the VA Dept. of Aviation in 2004 estimated CHO’s direct economic impact as exceeding $20 million and indirect impact of over $50 million.
For a Six Million Dollar Listing – Why Not Proofread?
Glen Love Cottage is the first house to be built in Vinyard Estates at Lkuge Estate Winery and Vineyard. … Rare opportunity to work with Lkuge Estate winery and wine consultants Laurent Champs , Charles Gendrot, Maicel Rolland and architect David Easton and landscape architect George Carter.